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Hiya there, guys! Happy April~! I hope you're all doing well! No tricks from me today, unfortunately. But if you want to rewind time and go through the video I posted last here, you can find it here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SSJRDoekvKI

I also just wanted to make a quick post (as is tradition at this point!) to detail out rewards and when they'll be sent out, so there's no confusion! Due to processed patrons being delayed in recent months, I'm going to wait until the 3rd until sending things out, just to be safe and avoid repeat waves of PMs being sent out. As last month was pretty hectic, I feel it's safest to handle it this way--but if you have any questions or concerns regarding things, please don't hesitate to get in touch!

So, potentially on the 3rd, I'll be sending out the following:

$10 tier or above - Quest Failed: Chapter One copy (Featuring the v 1.1 update!)

$15 tier or above - Full Resolution Uncompressed Art (This'll be the full moon awooo piece from earlier!)

$25 tier or above - Quest Failed: Chapter Two Alpha (Of the most recent alpha build--0.7--which was newly updated as of December with tons of content to play through!)

As always, if anyone has any questions or concerns regarding rewards, or anything else, please don't hesitate to comment, send a PM or email me at unlimitedfrostworks@gmail.com! Thank you!

I foresee the biggest question being: "Where is the new alpha build?" Of which I can totally understand--as I've been making a slow mess of things over the months and can only apologise. It was never my intention to stretch out things this badly, and it eats away at me each day I know I haven't been able to follow through with things. There's no one reason for the delays, but it's more a result of me flip-flopping between a variety of scenes that I work on, before moving to another when I feel I've hit a brick wall on the other scene. This has led to a large number of scenes being almost, or half-finished as I spread my attention around. I think this has led to me stretching myself too thin, attempting to achieve too much in one go, and once I finish up all of the pending scenes, I'm going to attempt to manage things in a much more efficient manner so that I don't fall into this trap again. As the sole person working on the script I've had to admittedly accept my limitations and that I can tackle everything at once and really have to reel myself in to avoid this from cropping up again, haha.

The alpha, once released will feature several new event scenes, and 2 new h-scenes with a lot of new writing between them as I flesh out characters and their stories. I've had a lot of fun writing stuff with a sleepy mummy--and then another scene featuring a drunken spy~ I wasn't too sure when I started on them, but they've come together really nicely!

Thanks again for your immense support and look forward to the usual dev logs, bonus art and so on throughout the month!


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