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Hiya there, guys! How are we all doing today?

I'm a little late with this week's dev log post, and for that I really do apologise. It's been a bit of a chaotic week to say the least, but I think things are finally  beginning to settle down and I can get back into the groove of it all.

To make it up to you all, how about I show a nice little CG preview--since it's been a while since I've shown one of those! And admittedly while I have to ration these out between not spoiling the remaining fun scenes and the more spoilery ones, I think we can get away with just this oneeeeee, right? (Unless I've already shown this one. Have I...? After so many dev logs my brain is beginning to fail me in keeping track of this stuff ;_;)

Especially when it's one of our benevolent Queen of the Forest lavishing Matt with some rare affection! Ohohohoho~ He must have really gotten into her good books to have been given permission to grace her royal body, if their first (painful) encounter was anything to go.

This scene was originally done by a different artist, before Bella's redesign, but then received some edits by the current sprite artist to make it fit her new style, complete with facepaint, crown and lipstick. I think it turned out quite nicely and the additions feel quite natural without being forced in!

Will you be trying your best to appeal to Bella's good side, or will you be giving the forest--her kingdom--a wiiiiide berth?

Also--I wanted to use this dev log to give some smaller updates on how I'm progressing that may not have merited individual blog posts of their own. To sum things up, I'm powering through more h-scenes, getting voice scenes scripted and ready to be voiced and continuing to inch towards the finish line~ It often feels daunting, and like I'm getting nowhere despite pouring hours into the game each day. But when I take the time to lift my head up from off of my keyboard and look at the game from a distance rather than the individual scenes I've been burrowed deep inside--I realise just how much has been put into the game so far with a word count that continues rise. Even when I scold myself for not releasing the game in a timely manner, I realise that as it stands right now in its current form--Chapter Two probably has more content than a lot of the shorter VNs on the market right now, and I aim to continue to work on it until my original goal has been realised. No matter how tough it gets, I'm not going to take shortcuts--and am sure the game will benefit as a result of that!

Additionally, June, the heavenly nun almost has all of her content fully implemented! Which is a big step forward and another part I can tick off of the list bar a few smaller conversational topics that'll be left do outside of h-scenes. Her stuff ended up being a lot of fun to do and a big change of pace from the usual dominant monster girls that bully poor Matt. June herself ended up having a really friendly, heavenly--maybe accidentally motherly due to her VA, huhu--kind of vibe to her. Truthfully I would want to write even more scenes with her since I had so many ideas, but she can't go hogging ALL the glory. Some of the other girls have gotta shine too~

And honestly, since you guys are essentially the reason that this game is what it is today, I want to hear from you. Are you happy with how far things are coming along so far? Or would you have preferred I kept Chapter Two the same size as Chapter One so it released a lot sooner? Do you feel I'm dreaming too grand and should shrink down my goals in future releases? I'll be keeping a close eye on opinions and do my best to shape any future titles towards what you guys feel benefits everyone the most. I feel maybe I've asked this before but it's a constant worry on my mind, haha. I don't wanna feel like I'm letting you guys down or end up delivering something subpar.

Anyways, I think I've rambled enough for one dev log~ Next week's post will be special as I'll be unveiling this year's Halloween art! Any guesses as to what it might be? It's sure to be spooky! 👻



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