Quest Failed: Chapter Two - Dev Log #66 (Patreon)
2018-09-05 23:51:10
Hiya there, guys!
It's been a couple of weeks since the last dev log, but I felt it was better to give some 'breathing room' between the development logs, audio scenes and bonus art so you weren't getting completely bombarded with stuff day after day and I potentially ran out of stuff to showcase in a month.
But we're back, so rejoice~
It was something of a hectic time last month as I pushed out the newest alpha build in what I'm sure must be record time for me, with a wealth of new content and setups for future scenarios to come.
And for a brief recap on what's been going down over the last month: Writing is progressing leaps and bounds as I prep things up for one of the most important story events to come, along with fleshing out a myriad of characters in their own little side events, complete with dialogue and h-scenes. And voice acting is also progressing along smoothly as I finalise each scene, with a large majority of the current CG scenes implemented in the current building featuring voice work, along with the intro of the game containing some voiced lines for our hooded friend. It's been a long road, but everything is starting to shape up really nicely and I'm still always just as excited to go back through the scenes and see just how much life has been breathed into them with the voice acting implemented.
For this month--I aim to keep up the same momentum and power through lots of scenes, both h-scene related, main story related and then the more optional side dialogue you can get from exploring places. I've been primarily focusing on fleshing out a lot of the newer characters, but think I've had enough of a break for the old, mainstay characters to feel fresh to write as well, so will be revisiting some of them for some cute antics in their little camp stationed outside of Rhan. I already have plenty of ideas for these wackier shenanigans and character development moments and think you're gonna enjoy them for sure!
Finally~ I'll address the teaser image I've attached to the top of this dev log, which I'm sure more than likely caught your eye! Truthfully, I was debating on whether I should show this one, as it may reveal just a liiittttle too much as to what can happen if you try to pursue Ren and Cynthia equally--but this particular moment was just too cute not to share. Cynthia's unsure expression as to what she's gotten herself into here with her partner in crime, Ren's teasing grin, and then Matt's just...well, at this point, this is his default expression given how frequently he finds himself in this situations! I'll leave it to your imagination as to what might happen next~
That about wraps up today's dev log, and I hope you all have a great day! I'll be back in the following days with a new audio scene hot on the trail of our previous one that went down so well~ I won't spoil who features in this upcoming one, but this one is almost a little more...bittersweet than the last one and ties almost directly into the 'canon' of Quest Failed. I hope you'll enjoy it!
It's been a couple of weeks since the last dev log, but I felt it was better to give some 'breathing room' between the development logs, audio scenes and bonus art so you weren't getting completely bombarded with stuff day after day and I potentially ran out of stuff to showcase in a month.
But we're back, so rejoice~
It was something of a hectic time last month as I pushed out the newest alpha build in what I'm sure must be record time for me, with a wealth of new content and setups for future scenarios to come.
And for a brief recap on what's been going down over the last month: Writing is progressing leaps and bounds as I prep things up for one of the most important story events to come, along with fleshing out a myriad of characters in their own little side events, complete with dialogue and h-scenes. And voice acting is also progressing along smoothly as I finalise each scene, with a large majority of the current CG scenes implemented in the current building featuring voice work, along with the intro of the game containing some voiced lines for our hooded friend. It's been a long road, but everything is starting to shape up really nicely and I'm still always just as excited to go back through the scenes and see just how much life has been breathed into them with the voice acting implemented.
For this month--I aim to keep up the same momentum and power through lots of scenes, both h-scene related, main story related and then the more optional side dialogue you can get from exploring places. I've been primarily focusing on fleshing out a lot of the newer characters, but think I've had enough of a break for the old, mainstay characters to feel fresh to write as well, so will be revisiting some of them for some cute antics in their little camp stationed outside of Rhan. I already have plenty of ideas for these wackier shenanigans and character development moments and think you're gonna enjoy them for sure!
Finally~ I'll address the teaser image I've attached to the top of this dev log, which I'm sure more than likely caught your eye! Truthfully, I was debating on whether I should show this one, as it may reveal just a liiittttle too much as to what can happen if you try to pursue Ren and Cynthia equally--but this particular moment was just too cute not to share. Cynthia's unsure expression as to what she's gotten herself into here with her partner in crime, Ren's teasing grin, and then Matt's just...well, at this point, this is his default expression given how frequently he finds himself in this situations! I'll leave it to your imagination as to what might happen next~
That about wraps up today's dev log, and I hope you all have a great day! I'll be back in the following days with a new audio scene hot on the trail of our previous one that went down so well~ I won't spoil who features in this upcoming one, but this one is almost a little more...bittersweet than the last one and ties almost directly into the 'canon' of Quest Failed. I hope you'll enjoy it!