Quest Failed: Chapter Two - Demo Information (Patreon)
2018-02-08 21:19:38
2018-02-08 22:06:14
Hiya there, guys! I hope everyone is doing well~
As promised, with the latest alpha build released, I've been hard at work finalising things for the public demo release and I'm happy to say that I'll be releasing it tomorrow, 9th of February for everyone in the $15+ tier and then subsequently making it fully public for everyone one week later on the 16th of February.
I've believe I've talked about my reasons before for releasing things in this manner--but essentially I wish to be able to give something back to the people in the $15+ tier who have been waiting so patiently for the full beta, and felt early access to this demo would be a good way to reward them. It's not fully a beta--but at the same time it's a good, polished chunk from out of what the current alpha builds offer to give a good look at how development is going.
Admittedly I'm incredibly nervous releasing the gameplay to a much larger audience and I really hope everyone enjoys it--but rest assured I'll be taking in everyone's feedback and will strive to improve the game for the full release based on what everyone may think of the development.
A good idea of what to expect from the demo will be:
- A good chunk of the game's introduction and main storyline segments, giving a good idea of what life is like in the big city, along with meeting several key characters
- A small glimpse at Chapter Two's more freeform gameplay and the greater range of choices in how you go about places day to day. It should be worth noted that for demo purposes not all choices/areas are available to visit. And as such, you should expect a far greater degree of interactivity from the main alpha builds and subsequent full release!
- A small look into the game's 'Side Quest' system, offering up a couple of fun quests that are contained adventures running alongside the main story. There will be 2 to choose from in the demo, though in the alpha and the full release of course, there will be far more to choose from.
- Three fully voiced h-scenes, along with another scene that isn't necessarily a h-scene but still pretty steamy! I won't divulge too much into what three scenes these may be for those that may wish to go in without spoiling themselves, but I feel they're a good mix!
That all said, please look forward to things and I'll see you guys tomorrow~
As promised, with the latest alpha build released, I've been hard at work finalising things for the public demo release and I'm happy to say that I'll be releasing it tomorrow, 9th of February for everyone in the $15+ tier and then subsequently making it fully public for everyone one week later on the 16th of February.
I've believe I've talked about my reasons before for releasing things in this manner--but essentially I wish to be able to give something back to the people in the $15+ tier who have been waiting so patiently for the full beta, and felt early access to this demo would be a good way to reward them. It's not fully a beta--but at the same time it's a good, polished chunk from out of what the current alpha builds offer to give a good look at how development is going.
Admittedly I'm incredibly nervous releasing the gameplay to a much larger audience and I really hope everyone enjoys it--but rest assured I'll be taking in everyone's feedback and will strive to improve the game for the full release based on what everyone may think of the development.
A good idea of what to expect from the demo will be:
- A good chunk of the game's introduction and main storyline segments, giving a good idea of what life is like in the big city, along with meeting several key characters
- A small glimpse at Chapter Two's more freeform gameplay and the greater range of choices in how you go about places day to day. It should be worth noted that for demo purposes not all choices/areas are available to visit. And as such, you should expect a far greater degree of interactivity from the main alpha builds and subsequent full release!
- A small look into the game's 'Side Quest' system, offering up a couple of fun quests that are contained adventures running alongside the main story. There will be 2 to choose from in the demo, though in the alpha and the full release of course, there will be far more to choose from.
- Three fully voiced h-scenes, along with another scene that isn't necessarily a h-scene but still pretty steamy! I won't divulge too much into what three scenes these may be for those that may wish to go in without spoiling themselves, but I feel they're a good mix!
That all said, please look forward to things and I'll see you guys tomorrow~