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Hiya there guys!

So, I guess it's time to talk about the biggest elephant in the room--the fact that the fabled Alpha release has yet to have materialized itself.

Needless to say, I vastly overestimated my ability to deliver this promised segment of the game out in a timely manner, and it's been an overwhelming source of guilt on a daily basis. For this, I deeply apologise for everyone who may have been excited for this, and who I may have upset as a result of delaying this release.

My desire to have everything be perfect has far outweighed overall productivity, and I feel maybe I've been obsessing on the smaller details, when I should be focusing on the grander scope as a whole.

So, I've decided to set a hard date for myself--and will promise that the alpha will release on this date no matter what. I'll cap off what I deem as currently playable content, and deliver it to everyone who is entitled to it ($25 tier).

By setting this date, I feel it will motivate me, and give me a solid deadline to work towards--and then from this initial release, the feedback and overall comments towards what's currently playable should motivate me to iterate on this build and continue to deliver more alpha builds in a timely manner.

And what is this date, you ask? 5th of July! Be sure to mark it on your calendars~

So, to reiterate, on the 5th of July I will be releasing what's currently in the most playable state to all of those present in the alpha testing tier or above, and will definitely be looking forward to gathering feedback on things, so I can make this chapter the best it can be~

Thanks again for your support, everyone! And again, that's the 5th of July!


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