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Hiya guys!

So, first things first: wow--we hit the $1,500 milestone! Thank you all so much for the support! Sincerely, I really mean it. Without you guys, Quest Failed would have never have gotten as big as it has done. It still all feels like one big dream, to have been able to create something that so many people enjoy and want to be a part of~

Those more watchful of the patreon account's status may have noticed that we actually hit $1,500 quite a few days ago. Don't worry, this isn't a case of me being a slowpoke like usual--I was just as excited as you guys were! But wanted to avoid making a celebration post prematurely since we were only just hovering over the mark at that point, and there was always the risk of it diving back down. But I think I can safely say now that we're past the $1,500 mark! Whoo!

Now--what we do with this extra funding that's coming in, well, that's up to you guys! I won't hold any kind of poll for this just yet as there's quite a few options on how we can go about this, but I'd love to hear from you guys on what you think we should do.

Should we:

- Put the extra money into Chapter Two for even more (yes, MORE) characters and h-scenes?
- Develop a spin-off RPG using existing characters (This would be something very slow to develop however at least until Chapter Two was out)
- Do something else? (Please feel free to state what you'd like to see done with it!)

There's tons of possibilities~ (And don't worry, I haven't forgotten about the voice scene stuff. I have all the clips ready for one scene and am scheduling things with another VA!)


Moving along to the second part of this update--yes, the fabled Chapter Two! (I hope you enjoyed the character trailer, by the way! But if by chance it raised any questions or concerns, feel free to let me know and I'll try my best to answer!)

I wanted to discuss my plans for the alpha release and how things will be managed from here.

Because I want to show you all visible, and playable progress on things as I progress, I've decided with how many assets I have right now, that now is a good time to begin to go ahead with releasing builds. I also believe this will incentivise me to work to a more rigorous schedule by planning out these releases.

The first alpha release will happen sometime this month and will be made available to download for all those in the Mighty Adventurer tier and higher ($25+)--no solid date as of yet, but probably closer to the end of the month.

This first release will be a brief segment chronicling Matt's first couple of days in Rhan as he begins to become accustomed to his surroundings and the people that inhabit them.

Now, I'd like to keep expectations in check, given that it's an alpha and all (implying that it's still HEAVILY in development!) So I would like to give a brief rundown of what to expect, and what not:

What it WILL have:

- A small portion of the story introducing the city and setting the scene for things to come
- Several H-Scenes with characters both old and new
- An introduction to how the day-to-day gameplay will work, managing both time and resources to direct Matt to particular outcomes
- Placeholder Graphics (several backgrounds are not done yet, one h-scene is using art that needs to be revised, etc.)
- Placeholder Audio (SFX, music, etc.)
- Bugs/Typos (Every effort will be taken to minimalise these at the point of launching the alpha segment, though some are bound to slip through. But hey, hopefully with everyone's help I'll be able to ship a bug/typo-free product by the end of it!)

What it WON'T have (yet):

- Voices
- A complete story
- Functional 'Extras' (Gallery, scene replay, etc.)

As you can imagine, this isn't the most optimal, ideal way to experience the game--and those looking for a polished first-time experience way wish to hold off until the final release, or at least until a beta release further on down the line. Which brings me to my next point:

After this initial alpha release and the foundation has been established, I'll be quite rapidly issuing new builds with more content and addressing any issues people may have, taking feedback into mind, steadily adding in things such as voices and so on. At the bare minimum I'll be looking to have a new alpha build up monthly, though if development is smooth it should be more frequent than this.

Thank you for time~ And, of course, thank you so much for all of your support. You guys are awesome! Chapter Two is on the horizon and things are coming together, I'm super excited to finally be able to start sharing things with you all!



I'm also more for putting money into the current project. It is very easy to spread yourself too thin (or for something to happen and for a workload you could handle suddenly becoming too much. However another interesting idea that could possibly be done is have different rewards for the different tiers, like maybe a physical drawing done by you. The higher tiers getting more detailed work with lower tiers either getting sketches or just some digital media. (and now I am picturing Quest Failed plushies)


i think the first two comments really sum up my opinion: don't burn yourself out. But if you think the extra cash could flesh out ch.2's story/characters by adding in more scenes, I'm all for it! Just as long as it's a positive addition rather than negative.

Mindshard Studio

Really seconding this comment by Ender. Be careful spreading yourself too thin or taking too much on! It's how people get burnt out!