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🐰 Hey, Sorry to redo this month's image for Legoshi. I really didn't like how the original sketch turned out and after days of trying to fix it, I realized I had massive burnout.

If you want an idea of how bad the burnout was the best description I can give is that nothing I did or even looked at brought feelings of joy and everything felt like bland sawdust despite wanting desperately to be creative.

So I took a break and got away from the computer to work on my mental health. Thankfully I feel the burnout slowly falling off and I was able to redo the image into something I'm more happier with. I hope you all will be too.

Also, I'll still include the other sketch in the dropbox at the end of the month just not fully completed. 




Burnout is a nightmare, and you should do whatever you have to to avoid it.


Looks great! Glad you're getting past your burnout, I know how it is lol.

Jade Faun

Burnout on something you enjoy really sucks. Glad its passing for you and I love the candid angle and face of this version!


Amazing work! And of course you should take as long as you need till youre feeling better. I know art is not something that can be forced, when your mind is not in it. Take care.


The first one looked great, but this new one looks even better! Take as long as you need! :)


Love the pose so cute

Ginger Faux

End of the day, been around for the art you make. The specifics of what's in it or how its made are always at most third in level of importance to 1. your health/wellbeing and 2. the enjoyment you have making it. :3


mmmm 2 different pose arts? I love that woof hybrid so


I'm glad you put your health first and took the time out to recuperate!! I love the face here, its super cute!!