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Sorry its a little late. <3 



levin hardin

Again? Why are you drawing the same two characters over and over again? XD


Its the alt version of the "Rin and Ash 1" That I stated I couldn't complete because I got sick.


Loona won the sketch vote, Rin x Ash won the flat color vote, Angel Dust won the Painted vote, and Rin x Ash won that group vote as well. Rin x Ash is what the patrons Asked for Levin, so that's what Ash gave them.


I requested these characters on two tiers because I wanted a better chance at them getting picked once. And it seems enough others like the idea of pictures with a personal touch as well to vote both of them to the top.

levin hardin

Well they shouldn't be allowed in more that on poll that way we get like lots of different art and not the same thing over and over. It just gets old when you get a notification that Ash put new art out only to find is the same thing as the last three notications. So when do we get something not them Ash? Just curious. I'm not saying they are bad art. I'm just saying some variety never hurts.


Majority vote won on both flat and group, I'm sorry if you didn't vote for it but lots of other people did. And those people got the exact amount of Rin x Ash that they asked for.

levin hardin

Still it should only be allowed in one poll so we get variety. It's like having a subscription to Netflix there's only one movie there. You'd I want something else real quick.


If you don't like it, don't look at it. We won't miss your toxicity.

levin hardin

Never said I didn't like it. I'm just simply asking for some variety and not the same two characters again and again. 😆Nothing wrong with expressing one's opinion in a non hostile way!


While i disagree with the above commentator mentioning "over and over" (they were voted on after all) It is a bit extraneous that these pictures had most alt/variants out of any pictures seen recently. *42 I get it, its nice to have pix of your own characters and can feel more relatable with them. Personally id request a similar effort be put into the other images we are paying for. Thank you.


I don't see what you mean. Loona and the Ash and Rin images both got a clothed version, a lingerie version, a nude version, and a sex version. The Ash x Rin images were more involved because it was a higher tier image and a ship. Not to mention, most of the alts that were done were super simple changes, like the addition of condoms, fluids, or expressions. Plus, with as far out of her way as she has gone for patrons to make sure they're happy, isn't it a little rudely accusatory to say she put in extra effort just because it was her characters? She most likely did it for her patrons.


I apologize if I was giving off that kind of vibe. But I didn't give the Rin and Ash a ton of alts because they were my characters. I did it because they were the weakest links when it came to what images would bring in new patrons. However, I did try very hard to stretch the pose for each character and considered my options as well as the time I had to complete them in. Believe it or not but 3 weeks out of a month is not a lot of time to finish 4 images with varying alts as well as commissions on the side. Also, Ash and Rin may seem like they got a lot of alts, but that's because it was 2 characters, not one. I had way more to play with and turn off and on to make more combos. It was also a nice time to experiment with different ways to do alts for future images. My Patreon images are artist freedom after all so not every character may get the same amount of alts depending on how I can stretch the given pose and idea.


Yes I can definitely see the challenge of making alternates and ends amount of images produced. I don't think anyone can complain there. You crank out a bunch, and it's always high quality.


Again the only reason I mentioned anything is because of the sheer amount of alternates and because there were two base pictures it doubled that.


You don't think I knew that when I made my comment? I was about as kind as you can be while requesting a change. I have every right as a paying customer to make requests, whether or not they are taken into consideration is her prerogative... The goal of the message wasn't to be a dick or tell her the art is bad. *it's not* Simply that there was allot of effort put into one topic for a whole month. I requested that future items be given near the same amount of effort as pictures of her characters.


I'll try my best but as I stated. I was experimenting with a new technique of giving different alts to my images and this technique was built up throughout the month of June starting with Loona and advanced as the month went on. Angel was even going to get an extra alt where he was having sex with a random demon but sadly Painting takes way more time than the flat-colors that I did of Rin and Ash and also I worried about upsetting fans with the random demon and not a character from the show its self. Also, Rin and Ash were voted on I didn't personally care to draw them one way or the other and honestly, I had my biggest struggles because it was very hard to come up with a pose for 2 characters that had exciting enough alts to bring in new Patreons. I actually regret offering pairings for all 4 tiers as you can tell they were removed this month and only offered on the group pick and poll.