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These Suggestions are for the people on the sketch tier only! 

You are free to suggest your own OC to be put on the poll. If you suggest your own OC please leave an image to use so people can see your OC. Thank you. 

TOS For suggesting your own OC 

Character suggestions for the monthly NSFW Sketch fan art Pinup of the month! To be put into a poll on 7/1/ 20

✨The theme: NSFW/ Lingerie ✨

You may suggest One character per person. As well as my own OC's. Gender-swapping is welcome. You may also suggest the characters I have previously drawn before and even your own OC's. 

No shipping! 

No underaged characters! Unless aged up.

TOS rules apply


The more Likes    a comment gets the more likely it is to end up on the poll. 


levin hardin

Master Viper (Kung Fu Panda)


Raymond (Animal Crossing)


Krystal Fox as Reyna from Valorant