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Because of the way Patreon does its Billing system. I'll be sending out the rewards early for those that joined this week. I really don't want you guys to be charged twice if you just wanted the January pack. Even more so, since I know I don't really have enough Patreon only content yet to warrant the first charge.

Also! for the people that just joined. I want to do a little something just for you. So please send me one ref of your character for a free headshot sketch. To show my appreciation for the support!

Thank you!



I'd like one! https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/s/8z9lw27ev38zoa3/%5BAdopt%5D%20Soft%20Birch%20girl%20cnosig.png?dl=0

Anonymous (edited)

Comment edits

2021-08-23 13:49:32 Thank you <3 https://dl.dropbox.com/s/ukqnn9beyudpdrb/DvmgNjyU0AAvJnV.jpg?dl=0
2020-01-31 00:28:06 Thank you <3 https://dl.dropbox.com/s/ukqnn9beyudpdrb/DvmgNjyU0AAvJnV.jpg?dl=0

Thank you <3 https://dl.dropbox.com/s/ukqnn9beyudpdrb/DvmgNjyU0AAvJnV.jpg?dl=0