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Xiaoling's fighting style, Baguazhang (Eight Trigram Palm), is a Chinese martial art founded in  the late 19th century that utilizes unique spiraling mechanics to thread  attacking and defending into one continuous flow.  The “Eight Trigrams”  refers to the Yi Ching, a prominent Daoist text on divination and  philosophy. The style uses Daoist terminology to organize a training  method that can synthesize the techniques of many other styles, and in  fact was originally developed with this in mind. Bagua is similar to  Taiji in its subtle approach to fighting, but differs in that Bagua  favors constant dynamic movement over Taiji’s receptive stillness. If  Taiji is like flowing water, Bagua’s more like a tornado.

Not sure what “Diablo” training is, though…


Dark Science #142 - Battle Face - Dresden Codak

Baguazhang (Eight Trigram Palm) is a Chinese martial art founded in the late 19th century that utilizes unique spiraling mechanics to thread attacking and defending into one continuous flow. The "Eight Trigrams" refers to the Yi Ching, a prominent Daoist text on divination and philosophy.


Stephen Wells

The most complicated way of asking your crush to dance with you that has ever been devised :)

William Cole

Melchior continues to be my favorite DC character!


Rejected candidates for battle face: ^_^;;;;; edit: apparently a lot of the prerequisite characters do not render in the Patreon comments section, but I promise this was funny

Michael Chui

Oh, wow, Patreon. Sigh. Okay. Fine. Ampersand (&), then "lt" for less-than, then semicolon (;). gt for greater-than. You can probably look up some others.

Molly Skyfire

I just adore how expressive everyone’s become.


Love love love all these characters. Hope your hand is still on the mend! I know webcomic artists often give themselves just enough time to heal to overextend through the next page.