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I've posted most of the these before quite a while ago, but I thought it would be fun to compile the concept art journey I go through for a lot of my characters. I've chosen Ling here because she's probably the character I drew the most before actually putting in the comic.

Part of that is about getting the design just right, but another element is that I find I don't really understand a character until I've drawn them quite a bit. Her story was mostly in my script, but her personality didn't really gel until after I drew her so much. It's a fun process, if time-consuming.

Above are most of the concept sketches that led to her introduction in Dark Science, with the images posted chronologically. I think you can see the broad strokes of Ling's character taking shape as I went on.



Orlet Soir

Ling has quickly become one of my most favourite characters in DS. I love how much her ears (?) add to her expressiveness. Really enjoy seeing her in comics and interacting with our protagonist :)

Michael Voorhis

I find fascinating the process of discovering your character through repeated sketching. Would you say that subconsciously you know what you want/need in a character, and drawing them again and again that thing comes out of you into the drawing, "informing" you so to speak?


It really depends. Sometimes I have a pretty strong idea for a character, but drawing them a bunch upturns some of those ideas and I take them in a different direction. Other times drawing them a bunch just reinforces my image of them and makes me more confident