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Hey folks, I'm going to be moving soon, which may or may not interrupt my update speed. I should probably have the next page up before that, but if you notice a week or so of radio silence, know it's probably because I'm setting up my internet or carrying too many heavy things.

In other news, ADHD meds are a slam dunk. I had to switch from the initial prescription I was taking because it was making me daffy, but now it's been smooth sailing. Making the comic is not only more consistent, but more enjoyable. Heck, being alive is more enjoyable.

As always, thanks for your patience and support!



Hugh Eckert

Hope the move goes well, and glad to hear about the meds!


So happy to hear meds are doing it for you. I've been on ADHD meds for a few months now and my current dose is 👌💪✨🎉


Congratudolences on the move. New places are exciting but I have never found moving to be fun. So great to hear meds are working out for you!

Aeryn Light

I'm glad you managed to hone in your meds! I was diagnosed with ADHD this year, and meds made a world of difference.


Congrats on the move and the meds! I might be starting some soon and your description of finally realizing what "Later" meant was a piece of my self-realization.


Good luck with the move! I hate moving...


Yay congrats on landing the right meds for you! Good luck moving!!

Murilo Moura Sarno

Good news that you're with right treatment. May you new home bring good experiences to you!


It's vexing how ADHD and depression can mask each other while feeding into each other. I'm so glad to hear you've found a path to enjoying life more, and good luck with the chaos of moving.


Glad to hear it - take care of yourself!

Alex W.

Congratulations on your progress! Hope you continue to feel great!

William Cole

Hooray for enjoying living! It's a good foundation for enjoying everything else.

Thor Wilbanks

I second William Cole's sentiment: It is both important and good that being alive is enjoyable. I wish you a low-pain move and a stable situation with you meds.


Not only am I a fan of your art, but I am proud of you! You are becoming, more and more, yourself. That's a harder thing to do than many people realize. The bravery alone is monumental! I wish you both good luck and low pain with the move, and sudden onset superpowers to make it easier!