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Dark Science #64 – Turncoat « Dresden Codak




Benjamin Heusser

I simply adore all and everything in this comic. The style of the drawing, the development of characters...you seriously hooked me up on this story ^^

Brian Richard Pauw

Nooo! And just as I was sort of starting to like Balthazar!

Brian Richard Pauw

And, by the by, Aaron, you've hit the nail on the head again with the parallels with real science. "Dark science" is the name of an arrangement with Nature and SPG (they publish Science). Unpublished work for power! Nature and Science hoard science and hides it behind unaffordable paywalls, after first embargoing the work. If you publish there, however, you have "power" with the administration of your institute. Publishing there is not evidence for quality, though. Papers in Science and Nature are retracted more often than in other journals.


First Vonnie, now Balthazar... D: but I guess all good things are three ;)


Vonnie is still totally on her side, she'll come through. I still don;t understand why Balthazar lost his shit and turned though, Doesn't make much sense to me.