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Heyo, so I just realized I updated my info on other social media, but not here, but I am nonbinary and my pronouns are She/They!



I’d been wondering when you would update Patreon 😄


lovely! one of us!


congrats on the gender!


Thanks for updating Arryn.




Awesome, thanks for telling us!


Yay!!! Congrats on coming out! Lol I remember my first day out, I could barely stop crying every few minutes from the relief.

Mattie Ian Bishop

Glad to meet you, Arryn! It's an honor!


Wonderful! A pleasure to meet you, Arryn!


From a trans woman who has been following your work for a decade - starting well before I came out - congrats. And thank you for the beautiful work you make that has always been useful at helping me think about changing my body, my sex, my gender as magic and wonderful.

Nathan Fish

Well, that puts a new spin on Kim being so attractive :P Congrats!


Hi there! I'm the biggest fan of what you do!

Aeryn Light

It's been great seeing you find yourself! I am also non-binary (they/she), and Kim Ross was a big part of what spurred me to question my own gender more.


Woohoo! Congratulations!


Super excited for you, Arryn <3 I've followed Kim's adventures for many years and found a lot of motivation in her story to figure out my own trans identity.

Hugh Eckert

Cool, thanks for telling us! I'm reaallllyyy enjoying the story, art, everything about Dresden Codak!


Nice to meet you, Arryn. That's a hella cool name. Thanks for sharing a bit of your story along with the wonderment that is Dresden Codak.


Hello again! I've enjoyed your work for years, and look forward to seeing what else you create!


YAY nice to meet you Arryn!!! Congratulations!!!!!


OMG, this is awesome news.


This post made me happy.


Me, too!


So happy for you! Also trans and following Kim's adventures since before Pom. The poster of Kim improving herself makes me happy and inspired. Thank you, Arryn!


That's Awesome! X3

Marcus Beirne

So happy for you, and I hope you are happier being your best you!


Hi Arryn, you've been one of my favorite content creators over the years. I'm easily overwhelmed by social media, often detached from it, so I appreciate the update here. Your work has inspired, even at times awed me, and the threads of positivity and self-actuation throughout helped me discover, cope with, and continue to treat my depression. You are a treasure, thank you for existing.

Ayla Ounce

hey congrats!


I hope this brings you as much joy as every page of Dark Science brings me.


Congrats on coming out Arryn!


Congrats! Thank you for being awesome!


The future is looking bright :)


oh wow, I hadn't heard! welcome!


Excellent! I already knew from the Indistinguishable from Magic blog, and I was happy to see the pictures. You look comfortable as yourself. And I love the fashion choices too!


Congratulations! 💛🤍💜🖤

jeff fearnow

Can we still imagine you still rocking the martial arts? I'm a simple man.


Aces! Good for you and thanks for letting us know Xxx I never really post on here, so I'm also gonna take the opportunity to say how much I am enjoying the comic and love your artwork! Hope you have an awesome day Arryn! xxx

Mel Orr

Congratulations, Arryn! I'm so happy for you!

Sean Kelly

Hi Arryn! I'm Sean. Pronouns *mumbles and waves hands vaguely* Keep up the awesome!

Emma Humphries

It's awesome to meet you Arryn.

Thor Wilbanks

Duly and respectful noted, ma'am.


i am giving you one (1) dollar so i can say a) cool! and b) twitter absolutely sucks at telling me anything i want to know, even when an account i *do* follow is retweeting it (this is twitter's fault, to be clear)


I dream of the day that all comic artists everywhere start living their true lives and come out as trans hotties. It's more common than I had ever hoped to dream.


Aww, so awesome! Sorry I missed this and congrats!