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 Kim returns to a familiar department. What hijinks will ensue this time? 


Dark Science #99 - Return of the Weather Balloon


Andrew Pam

Hooray! Also, it's usually spelled "precedent" because it "precedes".


I really enjoy every time the comic delves into science topics. It's why I started reading Dresden Codak long ago!


The rhetoric of the debaters of the department of inquisition is hitting way close. When me and my sibling used to verbally one-up each other over breakfast and dinner, i remember my little bro grinding things to a halt with similar "everything can be questioned" spout. May have flung some back at him too a couple of times, giving him some of his own medicine. That's basically what Kim is doing here, but dialed up to 11, to match the inchorrent level of the department. Fantastic throwback, well done. Though i have to concur with Andrew Pam, there is no " i " in "precedent".


The Rump Administration in a nutshell. Like a Rump Parliament, only different.

Aaron J. Shay

Who the heck is that poor fellow with the black eye? He's surely appeared before, hasn't he?

Eric Logan

Whoa, I don't think your rendering of Kim has ever looked better. Those highlights!


Pretty sure it's Balthazar Bogan! http://dresdencodak.com/2011/12/16/dark-science-14/ Moustache fits, hair is different and obviously he's in a different job, but I'd recognise that floating "radnar" robot anywhere.


Radnar is actually running this whole series of events, isn't it?

Zenith Star

Big tall girl very good, yes. ( ◜‿◝ )♡

Alex White

Yessssss to everything! Is that all just a sea of papers at the back, or are they using still-substantial-but-less-ridiculous-quantities-of research to wall off sand?

Molly Skyfire

This is my favorite page of Dresden Codak yet. Encapsulates just about everything I love about your work - quirky, well drawn and composed, cleverly paced humor. Keep it up!