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This department definitely seems distracting.

I am alive and my computer is now functioning. I deeply apologize for  the delay on this page, it’s mostly due to brain troubles that I hope  to get looked at once I can afford it. The good news is I’m in a better  head space than I’ve been in a while, so let’s ride this wave and get  some comics done in the meantime. Thanks for sticking around, folks.


Dark Science #90 - The Department of Distraction

This department definitely seems distracting. I am alive and my computer is now functioning. I deeply apologize for the delay on this page, it's mostly due to brain troubles that I hope to get looked at once I can afford it.


Alex White

It's good to have you back! Sorry to hear about the shoddy build quality of your human hardware; hopefully the technicians can show you a patch or workaround.


Definitely glad you're feeling better Aaron. Hopefully finances will improve so you can get yourself taken care of. BTW, i love how tiny Kim looks compared to Sebastian. He's what, 6'7"?

Paul Lenoue

Oooooo... I want that motorcycle!


Really glad to hear you're doing a bit better! I hope this lasts! Regarding the comic, is it just me or is the text unusually small? I know there's a lot of text in the bubbles on this page but it's significantly smaller than the previous few pages and makes me feel like I need to zoom in.


Thanks very much, folks. I hope you’re all enjoying the story and it’s expanding cast of weirdos.


Three things... This is a beautiful page. Really. Second, there are going to be posters maybe of the wall ads? Maybe. Lastly, have I mentioned how wonderful this page is?


First, that Dark Science update is a very welcome sight! Second, the ads feel a bit creepy, but that was probably intended.


*blissful sigh* Art Deco 🥰


Did I mention how I liked the political/social irony?

Mr. Leeds

Definitely getting some bad feelings about this party. "the presence of this girl was enough to annul everything which spells fidelity in the human heart, even to a point of absurdity"