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The new Dresden Codak site is live! Some changes are more subtle than others, but it's spam free and boasting elegant new designs. Hope you like it!

In less fun news, my very old work computer is dying and I'm going to need to build a replacement. I'm greatly appreciative of the financial support you all provide here, as the budget's pretty tight these days. If you know anybody who'd also be interested in supporting Dresden Codak, either here on Patreon or through other ways on my site, it would be greatly appreciated to spread the word.




I would offer up some spare parts, but it might just be better to buy new. Warranties and all that. That being said, highly recommend the new AMD Ryzen series for CPU. Cheaper and more effective than workstation tasks than the Intel equivalent.


Funny you should say that, an AMD Ryzen is what I'm angling to get! It does seem much more cost effective.


Re: getting a new computer - I'm switching away from Apple for the first time since 2009 and boy is it a relief that custom PCs are so much cheaper than Macs. Hopefully there won't be too much of a delay between comic updates while I'm setting all this up.


The new site looks great! Hope you can get your new computer built and ready to go with minimal stress!


To boot, they're about to release details on the third generation of the arch. Second gen is on sale as a result, so you can buy now for a good price or wait a bit and get cutting edge. Good spot to be in!


@new site: Did you intentionally remove the artwork gallery? I came across <a href="http://dresdencodak.com/2008/03/28/poncho-sunrise/" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://dresdencodak.com/2008/03/28/poncho-sunrise/</a> when looking up an untagged image's origin via TinEye.com, and it seems that the images are no accessible.