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Holy smokes, you guys, thanks so much for all of the support! It'll be put to good use, I can promise you that (mostly keeping people alive).


jeff fearnow

Diaz's Midnight Life Support Supply and Organ Donation Center?

John Fiala

Good! You keep making good comics, and we'll keep happily throwing money at you. It's a good match! :)


Ok Aaron, we gave you our money. Now where are our damn cyberlimbs!! Seriously though. Use that money to not die. Cause, I'd miss Kim if you did.

Ruth Who

It's really super great having a guaranteed comic every fortnight, you just keep on keeping on! And I'm working on the cyber limbs...


excellent! you make great art, keep up the good work.

Zenith Star

Ruth, you're working on them too? Exciting times, eh?