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It's the TEN YEAR ANNIVERSARY of Dresden Codak! How did this happen? How am I still alive? These questions may never be answered.





YAY!!! Happy anniversary! Let's hear it for the art of science! HUZZAH!!!! I've been hooked since before HOB. It's been a great pleasure to see the progression of your style, both as an artist and storyteller. Thank you for the quality entertainment and food for thought you've provided over the years, it's been a blessing! I'm looking forward to this new chapter as well. I'm captivated! And while I'm gushing, just wanted to say I can't stop thinking about that zelda project. You're onto something profound there! Keep up the righteousness, Aaron! <3


That's Fantastic Man. Way to hang in there. All your adoring fans appreciate it. You've come so far in 10 years and it's been a joy to follow the latest parts of that journey.


Easy - (1) well... it didn't. And it did. Similarly (2) you are and you aren't. So... (3) better they're not! Happy 10th!


If the answer to both of these questions isn't "robots" or "cyborgs", we're not far enough into the future.


You're alive because we're all gullible enough to throw life sustaining money at you in exchange for comics? Or maybe it's fairies.