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I took a brief break from Dark Science to draw my first short story in seven years! I hope you all like it, your support has been momentous.


Kingdom of the Last

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This was excellent. The ending made me laugh out loud. The only memories to rise from the dead, indeed!


I see so much Mignola! Lovely take on the style, well done!

Zenith Star

Hah! Fantastic~. Love that [Alt.] Kim got a respite to go exploring and help a depressed necromancer out of her rut. XD


I am loving Dark Science but it's the one-shots that made me fall in love with this comic

Emma Humphries

I <3 this so much, thank you!

Dirk Bergstrom

That's great on several levels. Thanks.

Hugh Eckert

Mighty amusing and a very witty use of Mignola elements (art and storytelling style).

Daniel Haas

More of these!


Thanks so much, everyone! I'd like to do more one-shots, though they would be pretty infrequent, given the schedule demands of Dark Science.


Beautiful work. I love the heavy use of shadows and shade. Also, you blend Humor with mystery and wonder so well!


Oh heck dude, this is an amazing tribute to Mignola and I see some of the old A Lesson Is Learned influence in there too, but the result is all you and it's just great. You have such a distinctive style of visual narrative and goofy denouement and it's why I've been a fan for years. :)


Oh, neat.