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A few years ago there was an "influence map" meme that was floating around, where artists would share their various inspirations that fed into their particular style. The one I put together here went a little further by also making each image size proportionate to the amount of influence that particular person had on me (Moebius being the biggest, etc.) This one's pretty old and I've taken on a lot of new inspirations- I should really assemble a new one!




I remember when you first posted this. I do see where some of your current style comes from or at least is inspired by. And yes, I would love to see a current influence map as your style has grown and progressed. Do you know if your style was ever put into an influence map by another artist?


Oh definitely, I saw a few when they were making the rounds. I seemed to be an influence on younger artists, especially on DeviantArt, at the time. I'll see about putting together a new one. A general trend I've noticed is me moving from Japanese/American influences to more European ones. When I put this together I hadn't seen any Dario Argento yet, for example.


Phenomenal list of awesome artists. Mignola changed my life with his concept of light.


I love seeing these. I've learned about a lot of artists I should be watching by seeing these things.