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Valerie Valefar and Enoch return! What fate has befallen Sebastien Hayakawa? Are the enchiladas any good???


Dark Science #149 - Tactical Defenestration - Dresden Codak

It's been a minute, but Officer Enoch is on the case! Sort of. Possibly.


It's Lina

I'm well overdue for an archive binge, it seems! Like I really needed an excuse

Orion Rhine

Tale as old as time. Customer service redirecting you to sales.

William Cole

So Hayakawa is a *former* Former Boy now?

Mel Orr

I need a refresher because while I remember Enoch, I have no recollection of Valerie Valefar or Sebastien Hayakawa (I *think* I know who the latter is, but definitely not the former). Not sure when I have the time to go back and reread everything. Can someone give me a brief recap who they are?

Alex White

Reporters with the Nephilopolitan Tribune. See pages 89-90, 96, 100-102, and 114.