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So... episode 1 on netflix was censored... should we just keep doing netflix ver? or is there another source y'all would like to recommend? I hear some saying netflix fixes some slight animation details.... however i also heard that theres supposely an edited uncensored version by someone.... however it might have worse animation?? lmk



Have you checked on 9anime guys they should have a uncensored version




I think only S1, S2 and S3 is censored along with S4 and S5 should be uncensored on Netflix


I don’t know any other links that are uncensored in my opinion I would just continue Netflix cause even tho it’s censored there is an important scene that shows actual uncensored blood so I think Netflix is ok

Ryuuji Gremory

Well I would assume it's not so much Netflix that fixes some things but that with the release of the Blue-ray/DvD some thing were fixed and Netflix also got the fixed version (since by the time that Netflix released it from the the Netflix prison they probably would have had access to the Blue-ray/DvD version). So the fixes would be there no matter where you watch as long as it's the Blue-ray/DvD version. If the edited uncensored version (didn't know it existed till now) uses that as base then it would have the fixes.

Lotus Gramarye

yeah you want the netflix version because it has the updated animation (still bad in a lot of places though season 3 and 4 are CHEAP)