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Sorry guys, that the uploads haven't been coming out as fast as usual, chance is currently really sick. Heres to hoping he makes a fast recovery before the new year. Sorry guys, thanks for understanding.



Take your time guys and I hope Chance is getting better and I hope you guys enjoyed Christmas and seriously don’t worry about the upload time it’s all good. We all understand how hard it is for chance at this moment since he’s sick but don’t push yourself too hard❤️


Well no problem its like Christmas holidays take a fews days to rest and come back full of energy ;)


Agree with luffyxsniper take a rest guys u deserve it

Matthew Quinn

Get to feeling better man! I know it sucks, take care and take your time!


We will be fine take a rest and get healthy ;)


Hope he feels better health comes first for he return more excited and stronger then ever =)!


Hope chance will bounce back tell him we hope he gets better