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sds s1 ep 23 react

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Remember to watch the 4 episode interval series before S2 So essentially some Druids (only females, tho, probably due to thematic reasons?) essentially are genetically souped-up since they are predisposed to become Apostles for the Goddess Clan (so essentially intermediaries for Goddess Clan to other Clans communication, I suppose?), and this gives them more souped-up abilities that are inherent to the Druids normally, but buffed by whatever mojo buff perks they get for being on the "payroll" of the Goddess Clan, so to speak. Like normal Druids could do some of the shit that Hendrickson did w/ Helbram, i.e the Enslavement of the Dead spell or w/e have you, and presumably he could have also done a weaker variant of the healing boogaloo Elizabeth is doing rn, but had no need to do so for obvious reasons seen here