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I do hope you guys keep reading the comments cause quite a lot of them are reminders about past episodes. The spoilers are actually in the vast minority unlike some purists claim.

Kyle Kowalchuk

Here is info on the Main Kingdoms and Religions (Kumoko’s Time): - Sariella (Likely named after the Goddess Sariel) located on southern end of the Kasanagara continent. Followers of the Goddess Religion followers preach that sacrificing one's skills using Skill Elimination is the path to salvation. Not against skills in general but see salvation in giving up skills is supporting the Goddess. Followers are against the Word of God Religion. --Keren County is apart of the kingdom of Sariella, boarders the kingdom of Ohts were the Kasanagara side entrance to the Great Elroe Labyrinth, Sophia is the daughter of the current lord. - Ohts is a small wealthy Kingdom allied with the Renzandt empire (Ohts is almost a vassal nation to the empire due to their need for military support), contains the Kasanagara side entrance to the Great Elroe Labyrinth, benefits from intercontinental trade, labyrinth tolls and trading of monster materials; They just lost a fort to the Nightmare of the Labyrinth - Holy Kingdom of Alleius (neighbors the Kingdom of Analeit on the Daztrudia continent) As a Theocracy they are led by the Pontiff of the Word of God Religion, (Dustin) The Word of God religion is responsible for the upbringing of the Saint and has provided support to the Hero. Followers are encouraged to Improve Skills so that one can hear the Word of God. Followers are against anyone with the Taboo Skill and the Goddess Religion - Kingdom of Analeit, (neighbors the Holy Kingdom of Alleius on the Daztrudia continent); Home to the Daztrudia side entrance to the Great Elroe Labyrinth, Heroes Julius and Shun are the Second and fourth Princes respectfully; Home to the Analeit Royal Academy were most Royals and Nobles (Even from other countries) attend school - Renxandt Empire is the largest country on the Kasanagara continent, borders the Demon Realm to it's north and to the south, the Great Garam Forest and small kingdom of Ohts. Crown Prince is Hugo and are the main defenders of the Demon Realm border. - Elf Village is located in the Great Garam Forest and is the only home of the elves, ruled by the Patriarch Potimas and his daughter Filimøs (Miss Oka)

Kyle Kowalchuk

Please note the part that the anime missed is not this healing part. They missed kumoko's friendly encounter with an adventure team after she comes back the the upper stratum for the first time. There she heals some of the group. That same group would have returned the favor in this episode after re-encountering Kumoko on a mission to scope out her nest outside of town. Then would have help spread the word of how help she can be to the town. Because of their and the lords wife's actions that woman and sick son come for help. She would then put them to sleep so she could preform surgery on the kid to replace his liver. It seems that while cancer can be cured it is not just one and done with a spell.