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This episode was quite disappointing and unnecessary. Hopefully next week it makes up for it.

Peacefinder Simply

it felt dragged out to save anything action based for next episode(well was with the unnecessary recap mixed in there), well hopefully it will be made up for next week.


blue ball


I mean, they dragged it out as hell but also they created a pretty solid build up if you ask me


Not a Spoiler, but Rimuru also guessed in the Light Novels from what Elen told him, that this Fairy Tale might be about Milim, but he didnt had the Time to ask her for Confirmation. Plus, in Season 1, Milim introduced herself as the one and only Dragonoid in the World. And since a Dragonoid in Slime is an "offspring between a True Dragon and a Human" as the Great Sage described it in the Novels, it can surely only be her. ^^ The Reason why Rimuru wants to eliminate all Four Locations where the Temple Knights of the Church are stationed at once is ( what the Anime dont mentioned) that they have Teleport Circles on each Post where a Barrier Device is standing, which they can use to call for Reinforcment. So to lower the Possibility that they can send Reinforment to any of those Posts, he wants them all 4 Destroyed at the Same Time and as fast as they can.


Also, i guess they left that out, but when Rimuru had his First Metting where Mjölmille was with him, they left out that there were a lot more Merchants and also Adventurer in that Meeting, and they supported Rimuru. Merchants said they will organize anything he needs for the War, be it Rations, Weapons and other Stuff, while the Adventurer mentioned that they will not waver and fight with Tempest against Falmuth. Rimuru was happy, but declined that offer, since he had a Feeling that if any one of them died, they would put the Blame for there Deaths on Tempest, which would be bad for him and Tempest ( especially if the Church would officially recognize Tempest as Enemys of God and send Word to every Kingdom for a Holy Crusade, which would mean a Big Allied Force marching against Tempest in the Near Future) so he only said that they should return to Blumund and spread the Words in the Western Nations about what is happening in Tempest. And he would help them escape to Blumund, although he could only bring them to the Border of the Forest and that they should Collect every Single Merchant and Adventurer at once. When they gathered on the West Side of the Town outside the Barrier, Rimuru opened a fairly large SPatial Motion Portal to the Border of Blumund to let everyone through it, since he also knew ( with a bit help from Great Sage) that they would try to kill everyone who will flee on the Western Street. Everyone of the gathered Humans had there Mouth wide agape when they saw Rimurus Spacial Motion Portal, but they moved through it nonethless. Edit: Gabirus Force is a lot bigger then it is shown in the Anime and Rimuru gave some of the Units who already exist Names. Gabirus Unit, for example, is called "Hiryuu" the Flying Dragons, and is one of Tempest's strongest units, consisting of 100 dragonewts.


He could only Rename Gabiru in Season 1 due to the Fact that Gelmud, the one who named him, was Dead, and so his " Soul Connection" to him was severed, which made it Possible to "accidentally" Rename him. It was assumed to be a name overwrite, but it was simply that Gabiru no longer had any authority to protect his identity. They could only be Renamed if there Former Master, the one who named them, is dead, since they all get a Soul Connection to Rimuru already. Also, its already roughly 4 Days since they were lying in that Plaza. The Novels explained that Rimuru let out a Good Portion of his Magicules, which makes the Air thicker with it, which also helps to Prevent the Corpses of the around 100 Dead Monster to no Decay and fall apart into Magicules.

Kerbin Centurion

at least the next video is going to be full on attack mode