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Love this series. It is just the beginning. Btw are you guys still planning on making the season 5 trailer 3 reaction to MHA?


Sad that the Backstory about the Superds was cut so short, but overall it was a nice Episode. For everyone who want to know more: Ruijerd is from a town in the Babinosu Region. He was once the leader of the Superd's Warrior group that served as Laplace's Elite Force prior to the war four hundred years ago (It was a Elite Force of only around 300 Superd Warrior). However, Laplace betrayed their loyalty by ordering them to take up the pitch black Devil's spears into battle in favor of their birth spears, which caused them to fall into a mesmeric ecstasy state by mindlessly slaughtering those around them, no Matter if they were Friend or Foe. The Superd fought Battle after Battle, never rested, and there Numbers were going down over the Time. At the End, almost everyone of the Warrior who survived, had Scars ( like Rujierd had them), others even lost an Arm or an Leg. One Day, a Message reached them that the Superd Village was surrounded by Enemys, and so they returned ( at that Time roughly 40 or 50 Warriors of the former 300 were alive). The Real Tragedy then started, since they were so intoxicated due to the Effect of the Spears, they started to attack everyone in the Village, slaughtering there own Family. Rujierd also attacked and murdered first his Parents, then his Wife in a Frenzy and attacked his Son. After giving his son a fatal wound, Ruijerd's son then finally manage to destroy the Devil's spear and finally wake Ruijerd from his stupor to realize the truth. In the moment of despair from his actions, Ruijerd had considered committing suicide to atone for his sins, but ultimately decided to swear vengeance on Laplace for the cruel fate be-felled his people along with everyone of the warrior group. When Rujierd then started destroying the Spears of the other Men in his Unit, and they came out of there Stupor, they realized that the Village was surrounded by the Demon God Laplace Regular Army and they had Orders to Eliminate the Superds Rujierd miracouly survived and escaped the Blockade. After several years of hiding and bidding his time carefully, he finally got his revenge when he interfered in the decisive battle between Laplace and the three heroes. But even if Laplace was defeated, there was no way to change the things that had already transpired, and the horrible reputation of the Superd Tribe had already taken root. After exacting his revenge, he now has a goal of removing the infamy that the Supard race has. What Rujierd also mentioned, since he fought in the War 400 Years ago: Superds are among the longest lived races in the series, remaining in their prime even after over 500 years and some even reaching 1000 years old.