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You guys aren't taking into account enough of one important character who just so happens to be my waifu of this series ( This isn't spoilers but I am pointing out the obvious person who they didn't mention this episode)


Also yea be very fucking careful of spoilers for this cause it is one of the easiest things to spoil with what is coming up. You will literally be screwed over if you know what is about to happen unless you are fine with spoilers for anime. Either way it isn't going to be good for the reaction if you know it. I'd rather have a genuine reaction than a fake one acting like you didn't know. If you guys get spoiled on something and it comes up please just tell us. Just looking out for you guys.

Elumesia Elure

I highly recommend not reading the comments cause the spoilers for the next 2-3 episodes are going to be extreme.


It is spoiler, someone who don't know what comes next would not comment something like that cuz we don't see all characters, but you implying just one specific... It would not be spoiler if you erase words "important" and "waifu"


Clayman prolly wants to merc Rimuru, cuz Rimuru already intervened w/ his Orc Disaster project, where he planned to make a new Demon Lord that would be subservient to himself (in case it ain't obvious by now, Clayman is the 11D chess 3000IQ big brain type of Demon Lord, and not brute-force kind like Milim is. His name is generic af as you can see, "Clayman", which is the exact kind of shittyass name a Puppet Master type of person would have)


You guys missed that they said shion was treating gobta and the old man while also being severly injured


Not Shion, Shuna. Shuna is the Former Ogre Princess, the Pink haired one. Shion was a Warrior formerly in the Ogre Tribe, i think, and is now Rimurus Secretary and the one we saw in Episode 6 fighting against Shougo and Rescuing the Goblin Kid from the Knights..


No Rimuru couldn't move it's part of the effect of the spell.


The part that looked like Ranga was his dad that Rimuru ate in season 1. Ranga was in Rimuru's SHADOW no him personally.