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Peacefinder Simply

I doubt Rimuru would of won at full power too, you can tell she was barely trying. Obviously i don't believe Rimuru died but he lost, i don't know how he is getting out of this.

Elumesia Elure

Rimuru is much weaker than Hinata right now even without the barrier.

Abyssal Kaz

Rimuru wont be weaker for long h

Peacefinder Simply

please stop, hinting and spoilers are the same to some people


Note that instead of saying the skill name, he said "Awaken, Gluttony", which implies it has a different effect than saying "Gluttony" to activate the skill

Retroactive Gamer

Ugh I fucking HATE Hinata and the church soo bad(yeah she's badass and a cool design but F her) and I want Rimiru and the whole squad to VAPORIZE that church after what they did this episode cutting down innocent monsters and children, soo F'd


the typical trope of *i'll attack you before i know the whole story, you'll try to explain but i won't let you, and when you finally explain i won't believe you, then it's proven you are actually right and i'm surprised for some reason", its fun to see them react to them knowing they are wrong (of course in this case we won't see hinata react), but its frustraiting


Hinata at no point takes the fight seriously and in the book, Rimuru is aware that even without the barrier that she erected solo by the way she would still win.


The Ord Lord's ability was called Starved. That said you're not far off Gluttony was created by using Degenerate to merge Preditor and Starved.