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In the Light Novel, the human story-line was being portrayed in the same way it is in the anime now. It's the manga that focuses almost exclusively on the spider. There is a discrepancy with timelines, but to explain too much of that would be going into spoiler territory.


Parallel thinking was at level 9 before she used detection. Once it reached level 10, she got her new room-mate Parallel mind lol.


The reasons she leveled up taboo so far were: Kin-eater title, Pride title and the Perseverance title.


The demon lord said she had to take care of someone who was getting ahead of itself. So more than likely, she's talking about the nightmare's vestige. She stopped it from killing the hero.


Imagine later on that our little spider will be able to eat something like the nightmare like its nothing cant wait to see how powerfull she will become.


Sorry guys where is our third katana lately did not see him for a while


oh its late news however he had left the channel to focus on himself and personal matters. from now on its just jason and I


Taboo went up 2 levels when she got Pride and has now gone up 2 more levels with Perseverance. You can't train skills that don't have a corresponding act.


The anime skips a lot of the time Kumoko turns Detection back on but every time she did it leveled up as did Parallel Thinking.