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3 - https://drive.google.com/file/d/1fCVHHPhSL2zH1rgTjf88mc373ZIAhZZc/view?usp=sharing

4 - https://drive.google.com/file/d/1xyaqZUJtu_rNbimKKA8vIrx6m17vVy8b/view?usp=sharing



Justin (Nyght)

just in case you guys didnt know for episode 4 its anos voice actor singing the op

Justin (Nyght)

ok my bad i guess i missed part where you guys had noticed that already lol well ya i still thought it impressive

Skebaba (edited)

Comment edits

2021-07-08 04:55:39 Note that each living being has their individual designs for their Sources (those floating thingies in front of them when they cast magic etc, so that creepy infinitely-closing ribcage thingie is essentially Anos' Source in this case, and the blue & yellow ones are for Misha & Sasha, respectively)
2021-01-20 13:57:37 Note that each living being has their individual designs for their Sources (those floating thingies in front of them when they cast magic etc, so that creepy infinitely-closing ribcage thingie is essentially Anos' Source in this case, and the blue & yellow ones are for Misha & Sasha, respectively)

Note that each living being has their individual designs for their Sources (those floating thingies in front of them when they cast magic etc, so that creepy infinitely-closing ribcage thingie is essentially Anos' Source in this case, and the blue & yellow ones are for Misha & Sasha, respectively)


For Episode 3: What they didnt explained in Episode 3 at the Beginning very detailed was, that Sasha couldnt control her Demonic Eyes in any Way when she was younger, and since she caused Destruction and Injuries when she looked at something or someone ( she could even kill someone easily with those Eyes) her Parents decided after quite some of those Accidents to lock her up into an Room that has strong Sealing Magic. No one wanted to approach her in that Time, not even her Family. The only one was Misha who visited her, looked her into the Eyes and stayed by her Side. There was also some more during the Class when Ivis Necron teached them about Fusion Magic, where Anos again showed who is the King ( Ivis Necron hit apparently a Dead End with his Magic, because the Fusion Magic would come undone after some Time and he was looking for a Way to prevent that and improve the Magic Circle. Anos didnt knew about this, but he has a extrem deep understanding in Magic (which is something that got lost in the last 2000 Years apparently, Knowledge and Power declined in those Time Eras Peace) he saw through the entire System of that Magic and gave him the improved Magic Circle within a Couple of Minutes after seeing it for the First Time)


For Episode 4, Anos Personality described from the Light Novels: Personality Anos is a man who was resolute and invincible, had absolute power and confidence, and was reincarnated as a man who was feared to be the “Demon King of Tyranny”. Because of his absolute overwhelming power and abilities, Anos possesses an easygoing attitude and an unrivaled sense of self- confidence when faced with any challenges. Despite his title as the Demon King of Tyranny, Anos is not evil. Other people see him as cruel but his creed is to not kill people needlessly. In fact, Anos has a very strong belief in the potential of his fellow demons and takes measures to make them utilize it. Even if he would never admit it, Anos is also very protective of his fellow demons and companions. While not evil, he is still the Demon King of Tyranny. This is not a self-proclaimed title but rather something the rest of the world began to call him, mainly due to his ruthless methods when dealing with his enemies.