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5 - https://drive.google.com/file/d/1JjPcBlDboJBk-7FgoTxfpT6Pa93rTGoo/view?usp=sharing

6 - https://drive.google.com/file/d/1s4lzPagRBeHAwUB5nkNgJdy7rQ-nXvD7/view?usp=sharing



Thomas Stark

Well you guys aren't wrong. According to the Light Novels. That scene in the bath was the official moment the 300 year old vampire Loli stole 17 year old Hajime's Chastity. But that's not all. In the rest of the time down there Hajime comments that Yue quite literally shoved him down in the grass or um... Anywhere really to scratch that itch. Hajime even says he's powerless to stop her. Not because he can't physically get her off him. But because he's a teenage boy whose getting daily sex from the girl he's into. Not a bad pit stop after the horrors of the Labyrinth and all the trauma they both faced.


When is 7 and 8 coming out?

Thomas Stark

Speaking of Episode 6 sorry to tell you this but Shea's Mother passed away when she was young. Second. The reason Shea's so adamant about going with Hajime and Yue is because they are the first people besides her she's ever met that can manipulate mana directly. All three have abilities that usually only come from Monsters. When you look at them you can tell they could actually make a pretty great team. Hajime's the strategist and DPS. Yue's the magician with a wide range of attacks and Shea's got raw power.


Yeah. He's just a boy. :) A teenage boy that has gone threw a lot. He didn't stand a chance when she set her eyes on him. He was doomed from the start. XD


Let's pump out more episodes. XD And yes there have been confirmed that a second season will be coming. :)


Also, something that might have been a little confusing. There are 200 Floors in the maze. The Maverick maze doesn't really start until you cleared the first 100 floors which was where Hajime feel to from the 65th floor. So he woke up at the floor "100" and went down to floor "200". So his classmates have reached the 65th floor of the "fake" maze. And no one has gone further than that. And as you might remember where Hajime started. The real maze (maverick maze) is on a WHOLE other level. :P

Jorge_ B

you guys should just roll thru the rest of the show