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Noxy is more that ready to try that Alhaz length on for size~

Originally this was intended to be a picture featuring Noxy alongside a big group of his and I's friends in a group we share but that eventually turned out to be the cheerleader follow-up picture I made a couple months back. So instead I simplifed this pic to just be one between Alhazred and Noxy and threw it together real quick before the end of the month. Wow, I only completed two pictures this month. TBH, it's been my huge lack of motivation to draw this past month and a half-- and a bit of me studying the massive California wildfires that broke out near my family and all over the state. Anyway, here's to September being FAR MORE productive! (Released here in exclusive 4255x4919 pixel size!)



Zyfer Kazumi

My mind is going crazy with this picture. I love it <3


Noxy about to have a good time being stuffed by a big zeeb~