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Hey folks,

No I haven’t really disappeared or given up on YouTube, Instagram or Patreon. These last few weeks have been unbelievably busy, verging on chaotic. All good things but lots of them and I just needed a minute to focus on the studio. Rest assured I’ve been filming, editing and working furiously and soon I’ll have new videos up on YouTube and posts on Instagram.

I didn’t shoot an epilogue for “Sea Change” as there really wasn’t much to talk about and I needed a minute to focus on other projects, I hope you understand.

Phew! Ok back to the grindstone... I have work to do!! 😉



Hey Its summer where you are - I hope you get to enjoy it. From wintery Canberra.


Julian, your videos are well worth the wait. Do you realize how necessary these videos and you are? I'd go into a deep depression if you left this platform.