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So APPARENTLY I was headed towards some seriously bad lung-related news, and because my body is ever so accommodating, I was completely lacking in symptoms. So when I took some powdered donkey's milk out of pure solidarity, it set off something in my lungs and precipitated an absolutely gruesome two weeks of snot, phlegm, internal fever (because I can't even do that one properly), and coughing my lungs out almost literally. I've been unable to go for more then a few minutes without a chronic coughing fit, and it gave me muscle fever in my back and abdomen just from coughing so hard. Also, it absolutely fucked up my sleep schedule.

Good news, it's passing and I'm not secretly headed towards what kinda sorta might have been pneumonia anymore.  Or pleurisy, given how much I've been sweating out. Bad news, I won't be able to update the third story this month.

On the bright side, I should be able to start updating Understanding at the start of the month again.

Hope your winter's been less dramatic than mine.