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Starting this month, instead of drawing female muscle pinups, I am drawing a Female Muscle "Choose Your Own Adventure" Comic!

This will be a fan art comic and will feature characters from Marvel, DC, video games etc.

A poll will appear before each page and eligible patrons($3 tier and above) will be able to vote on who appears in the comic and what happens next( do they hulk out? mutate? grow into giants? fight? have sex? something else? It's up to you!)

Polls/voting will be exactly the same as it was before. The only difference is you're voting on a comic page instead of a pinup.

All tier rewards will remain the same.

This comic is completely unrelated to Queens of Nowhere. Queens of Nowhere will continue to update as I complete it.

Okay! I hope everybody is as excited about this as I am.

The first poll is coming soon! 



this sounds like a lot of fun!