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Hey everyone! Here is the Work in Progress for Chapter 63 I hope you guys enjoy! :D

“I think there’s something I really need to make clear.” I started with a purposeful, careful, diplomatic tone of voice.

“Yes, Emma?”

“I’m only using the term commoner because I think that it’s, at best, an analogous term that is able to somewhat bridge the gap between our two cultures. However, I don’t think it really gets to the heart of how fundamentally different our two societies are structured. For in my world, the delineation between noble, peasant, commoner, and the sort simply does not exist - legally, functionally, and practically speaking.” I began with a firm statement that seemed to be as nearly as reality shattering as everything else around Thalmin at this point. “The way things work today, necessitates a society that relies not on the decisions of those with the capacity for mana manipulation, the access to generational wealth, or the birthright to rule, but on the quantitative abilities and responsibilities of the individual. Thus, every individual is… for lack of a better term, perhaps more akin to a noble in their own right. As every individual is responsible for the fundamental operation of our government, and integral in the practical operation of our society and its economy.”

This explanation hung in the air, punctuated by several more ring ring rings of the fleets of cyclists and scooterists directly in front of us, and the long drawn-out electrical hum of the elevated tracks above us.

Thalmin’s expressions did not shift, but his eyes certainly did. As they ranged in emotions from shock to concern to even fear at one point, before ending up with what could only be described as a reluctant look of awareness; culminating in a single, wordless, nod of his head.

This was followed closely by Ilunor’s smoke-ridden huffs that once again disrupted the projected holograms, and as expected, Thacea’s signature stoic yet deeply concerned gaze.

All three stared at me with varying levels of suspicion, which I attempted to placate with a polite and drawn out sigh. “I can address this matter after we are finished with the tour. I know it’s a lot to take in, but it was something that was already touched upon during the confrontation with Mal’tory. So you can understand that I am not lying. I wouldn’t have just ruined my perceived legitimacy in my argument with him just to flex a lie. Still, it’s one thing to just talk the talk. I need to show you I can walk the walk as well, and I have just the things lined up to show you that what I’m saying is true.” This seemed to raise a few brows with the whole group, prompting Thalmin in particular to look on at me with a renewed sense of engagement. As if acknowledging the perceived loftiness of my statements, then following it up with my promise to uphold the burden of truth, was enough to get him back on board. Thalmin was, after all, a man who seemed to prefer action to back up words. “If you guys are, of course, still alright with me continuing?”

I could’ve just continued.

But establishing their willingness to progress was important.

If SIOP had taught me anything, it’s that Fundamental Systemic Incongruency required a constant back and forth between both parties. Which also meant these periodic checks before moving to more complex topics was vital. Just like how a good teacher would check with a class before moving on to mind-numbing math principle number 394.

“Of course. That’s what we’re here for right?” Thalmin spoke with a nervous laugh.

Followed up closely by a polite chirp from Thacea. “Indeed. Please feel free to proceed, Emma.”

Two nods of varying levels of apprehension soon followed, with only Thalmin and Thacea actually voicing their acknowledgement. This left Ilunor with just a faint shrug, lending the EVI’s warnings even more credence.

Time would tell if the deluxe kobold would actually hit that Information Dissemination Overflow threshold.

But until then, I carried on, prompting the EVI to move the projection along as we left the heart of the old quarter slowly at the pace of a brisk walk.

Things progressed quickly as we did so.

As we walked down streets that would’ve been remarkably familiar to those who’d walked the same sidewalks five, seven, maybe even nine centuries ago. For despite the replacement and augmentation of a few lesser iconic 20th century structures during the latter half of the 21st, most of the skyline would have still been recognizable to those from its early history.

Indeed, it was around this point that each of the gang’s focus seemed to shift and diverge, as Thacea’s eyes were trained squarely towards the skies, whilst Thalmin’s gaze was fixated on the going ons at ground level.

And indeed, unlike the first three centuries of the city’s existence, there were now equally as many things to fixate on in the skies as there were at ground level.

Which was more than enough to preoccupy even the non-avian amongst us, but was of particular interest to the avinor princess. As her pupils darted back and forth between the different lanes of drones, all criss crossing above and between the buildings, moving in perfect unison like railcars traveling on an invisible track of rail. Ironically, it immediately struck me as something eerily reminiscent of the avinor’s own skyways. However instead of sapient people-sized birds dominating the airways, it was quad-blades carrying modular suitcase-sized containers; albeit with similarly colorful designs adorning their sides. Many of them proudly boasting locally-drawn pieces of artwork advertising local businesses.

However, it was clear that alone wasn’t the avinor’s sole focus, as her gaze was constantly drawn back to the more permanent fixtures of the skyline - the skyscrapers themselves.

“Emma.” Thacea began with a tentative breath. “Forgive me for being so forward, but I must ask:  your people are flightless, correct?”

“Yup, that’s correct. Hence why you don’t see any of us performing the cool aerial acrobatics you guys were showing off in that sight-seer tour of yours.” I managed out with a wide smile and an encouraging tone of voice still brimming with excitement from this whole cultural exchange.

That little compliment seemed to take Thacea off guard, as I could just about make out a look of abashment, followed milliseconds later by the same tempered but anxious expression returning shortly thereafter. “Thank you, Emma. Flattery aside however, this leads me to a question. Considering your flightless predisposition, what purpose does the verticality of your city serve?”



I wonder when they're going to realize that this isn't a recorded presentation like what the others seemed but actively generated


Now that the whole "Earthlings are commoners" thing has finally been sorted out, I can once again find inner peace.


I fully expect "Earthrealmers are commoners" to be a running gag and consequent source of endless exasperation on Emma's part. Sure, the infodumping here is for the benefit of the readers inasmuch as it's for the benefit of Emma's peer group, but if they're having issues (and Ilunor the full subscription) taking it at face value, the rest of the Nexus is going to be in the perpetual grips of mass cognitive dissonance.