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Hey everyone! Here is the Work in Progress for Chapter 56 I hope you guys enjoy! :D

Our entry back into the world outside was marked by a, raging, roaring, WHOOOOSHHHHHHH!


[Alert: External noise exceeding preset thresholds. Adjusting and recalibrating volume for (background audio track: waterfall) live-audio feed.]

A noise that, despite only lasting for a fraction of a second, was sudden and abrupt enough to get my blood pumping; and my heart to hitch up by a few beats per minute.

The transition between the silent library within and the noisiness of the world outside would never stop being jarring. It was comparable to those legacy MMOs with their sudden and abrupt shifts in ambient soundtracks between different maps and biomes. Although to their credit, reality was often stranger than fiction. As I could count more than a handful of places in Acela that fit that exact description; active soundproofing sometimes doing too good of a job that leaving your apartment felt like entering into a whole other world.

Several mana radiation signatures would clue me in to the rest of the gang’s reaction to the noise of the waterfall.

Or rather, it would have been several, if it wasn’t for only two having been reported.

As Thalmin seemed to have foregone that cone of silence ritual, for the sake of what sounded like an upbeat and chipper tune.

“Hm Hm Hmm Hm Hm Hmm Hm Hmmm Hm Hmmmm-”

The lupinor hummed a gravelly, dulcet tune. One that the EVI had allowed to filter through to my ears untranslated and unadulterated, once more surprising me with the deepness of Thalmin’s true voice, especially coupled with his native, non-Nexian tongue.

I couldn’t help but to follow along the beat with my footsteps, which almost immediately garnered the attention of the lupinor, as he turned towards me with a sly grin and a series of purposeful stomps from his boot.

It was then that I quickly realized what he was humming.

A marching tune.

We both matched pace almost immediately, with Thacea and Ilunor trailing behind each with their own bewildered and bemused expressions.

The knowing glance between two comrades-in (admittedly impromptu) -marching was enough to clue me into the lupinor’s mood. As I too felt the wave and rush of triumph and victory washing over me with each and every step, coinciding with the rise in cadence and rhythm of the lupinor’s well-tempered humming.

A proud smile had since  formed across the lupinor’s mug, one that I couldn’t help but to reciprocate, even if it was all for naught.

It was times like these where I was once again made painfully aware of the inch of composalite in front of my face. The encumbering-yet-life-saving piece of hardware handicapping these spontaneous moments of brotherly bonding, and hampering what would’ve otherwise been an even more enjoyable walk back.

It would’ve definitely made the short little stint even more enjoyable, especially as it was cut short as we reached the other side of the bridge, to an awaiting apprentice.

Or so I thought.

As what instead awaited us was a gargoyle, one that seemed to be animated for one very specific purpose.

To simply let those from the other side of the bridge cross, without so much as a cross check or a word from the apprentice.

The man in question having seemingly chosen the ground of all places to retire for the night. As he sat there out in the open courtyard, back against the smooth cobblestone and marble bricks, staring blankly at the cloudy skies above.

This definitely put a dampener in our little marching tune, as it prompted us to attempt to skirt awkwardly around the man, if not for a sudden and abrupt interuption that took me by surprise.

“Oi, you lot, was that marching music I heard?” He asked from his prone position, not even putting the effort into getting up to face us.

“Erm…” I turned towards Thalmin, who promptly nodded and answered for me.

“Yes it was. What’s it to you, sir?” He all but growled out.

The man chuckled in response. “Nothing really. Just wanted to note how there may still well be some semblance of culture left in you lot; an appreciation for Nexian sensibilities where it counts. As it is clear that even from a bridge away, my glorious marching was enough to have had a subconscious or conscious effect on the manner by which you choose to travel. ”

Thalmin clearly didn’t know how to make any of that. Which was fair, given me, and seemingly the rest of the group seemed baffled by the man’s antics.

A single, frustrated, glance of disdain was all he had to say to that really. A set of eyes that quickly turned towards me, with a look that just screamed is this dude for real right now?

“Alright, off you go then. And don’t let me see you around here tomorrow. I got orders straight from the man-in-white himself. Says right here-” He lazily held up a piece of paper. “-that no one’s allowed to enter for a full day, or until such a time when the perpetrator behind this affront to our great and enigmatic partner is apprehended and dealt with.”

I couldn’t help but to let out a sly snicker at that, although I made sure to quickly tone down the external speakers so that none of that made its way to the man.

“So I hope you’ve had your fill of cocky owls and mischievous foxes for the night. For tomorrow, you aren’t stepping a foot into the library. And mark my words, I’ve trained my gargoyles well for any would-be rule-breakers.” He held a single finger up, yet still didn’t bother getting up. “So off with you!” He shooed us away, pointing straight towards the double doors that led back into the Academy

I couldn’t help but to feel weirdly bad for the man as we finally made our way back inside, but only because I could empathize with the feeling of going a little bit mad from being assigned an all nighter, with clearly no relief in sight.

I just hoped that there was some relief coming soon.

Because he clearly needed one.


Dragon’s Heart Tower, Level 23, Residence 30. Local Time: 0230 Hours.


The rest of the trip back to the dorms was made in silence. Mostly due to the fact that everyone else was already fast asleep by this point.



I want Emma to verbally ass-whoop Malty. Knock him down a couple dozen pegs

Harrison Crandall

that has to stew for a while tho. I too really want her to verbally give him a can of whoop ass but it would be a bit overkill right now we need to wait until not only is it warranted but savory.

David Ellis

I can't not read the Nexian guard's speech in the voice of John Cleese.


That's a good point. Gotta really upend his whole viewpoint.