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Author's Note: Just in case italics don't show in the post, I've attached a PDF version! :D

Hey everyone! Here is the Work in Progress for Chapter 55 I hope you guys enjoy! :D

I couldn’t decide whether or not I’d just been thrown straight into a soap opera, or a greek tragedy.

Because the twists and turns of this whole situation had left me with whiplash, and then some.

All of this was so sudden.

So unexpected in fact that it left me feeling like I’d just been suckerpunched.

But in a good way, if that was even possible.

I maintained my composure throughout the whole offer, my features not once shifting, because there was nothing really to shift.

This was one of the great perks of the armor.

This was one of those instances where the armor’s stunting of about half of all human emotive abilities was coming in handy. As it allowed me to play a pretty mean poker face, even if what was underneath the inch or so of helmet was an outright look of dumb confusion mixed with a dazed bewilderment that left my mouth hanging agape.

No one could tell how dumb I looked underneath the layers upon layers of quadruple-reinforced composalite. No one could tell that I was pulling the most inappropriate of faces in the tenses of diplomatic situations, allowing me to divert the much-needed social energy reserves that would have otherwise been used to maintain a stoic visage, to areas where they were more needed.

Namely, in my cadence and the delivery of my speech.

As well as some of the exaggerated body movements I was starting to adopt.

“So, let me get this straight.” I began, raising a single finger as I did so. “You’re offering me a position, one that hasn’t been offered in literal eons, because I just so happen to have completed some arbitrary trial that I wasn’t aware even existed?”

“Correct.” The owl replied crisply. “Indeed, it was not my, nor the library’s intent to offer you such a time-honored and storied role. However, with circumstances developing beyond what was initially expected, it seemed to be the most expedient and appropriate course of action. As it addressed both of what we seek, Cadet Emma Booker.”

“And that is?” I shot back.

“For you, it is the determination of truth, and the momentary suspension of the expectant punishments upon that which is currently at the crossroads of our conflict of interests - the Vunerian. For the library, it is the reclamation of lost knowledge, by the hands of an independent party that may act beyond the confines of the treaty and the library’s own rules. Allowing the library to circumvent those limitations, and opening up an opportunity to regain what would otherwise be definitively lost.”

“So you want a deniable asset.” I stated without hesitation, crossing my arms as I did so.

“No, because you may freely state your role as a Seeker if you so wish. Your card of patronage will be updated to reflect this, becoming more than a mere card, but a badge worthy of the honor of seekership. Indeed, the library will make no effort to deny your involvement.” The owl countered. “The library cares not for the awareness of this operation, should its agent wish to make it known, as that may be a factor which may aid in the reclamation of said knowledge. Once again, I must emphasize, the library cares not for the world beyond its walls. This likewise extends to the opinions of the denizens beyond the walls, with the exception of the obligation of both parties to uphold the terms of the treaty.”

“So… you just want someone to do the heavy lifting then.” I restated. “Or more specifically, someone to fill a role which allows you to operate beyond the restrictions of that treaty? Is that honestly it?”

“That is, as you say, it, Cadet Emma Booker.”

“Okay.” I responded with a huff. “I getcha.” I continued, shuffling both of my hands into what would’ve been my BDU jacket pockets, only to result in my arms flailing awkwardly by my side, prompting the owl to cock his head in response. “I have a few more questions before I give you my answer, if that’s alright?”

“Of course, Cadet Emma Booker.”

I would be lying if I were to say there wasn’t a part of me, deep down, that wanted to leap at this opportunity without question.

But that part of me was driven by tales of fantastical worlds, born out of the excitable mind of a young girl obsessed with fantasy.

And whilst that girl was still there, she’d been tempered. As over time, and after too many sessions of Castles and Wyverns and after semesters’ worth of lessons in modern and near-modern history in school, anything involving agreements and contracts immediately set off alarm bells in my head. Even if it was being offered by a cool owl and a fluffy red fox.

Because if there’s one thing I’d learned about the Nexus so far, it’s that this realm of magic and sorcery tended to view contracts and agreements in the same way the extrasolar corpos did at the height of their corruption - as free real estate for esoteric legalese that’s designed to trap, ensnare, and benefit only the contract holder.

And whilst the extrasolar wars had dealt a stunning blow to that culture centuries ago, leaving that final chapter of corporate exploitation firmly in the past, it was clear that the Nexus, just like the magical realms of Castles and Wyverns, seemed to be obsessed with keeping the tradition alive.

“So to set the record straight, what exactly are the terms here? For me to bring back the knowledge of exactly what was lost? And in return, you keep your hands off of the Vunerian until I can do so?”


“But how exactly do you plan to enforce this?”

“Through a system of regular check-ins. Weekly check-ins will be required to report on the progress made. These check-ins will be compelled and enforced by the implementation of a spell, bound through magical oath, that will bind the Vunerian to the agreements of seekership and will intertwine his fate with that of the success, failure, or abandonment of your seeker’s quest. This includes the fulfillment of these regular visits.”

“Define compelled. And define intertwining his fate.” I shot back plainly.

“The former is a spell which will compel the will of the bound to commit to the agreed terms. The latter is a spell that binds one’s fate, in effect accomplishing much of the same. As the momentary suspension of the Vunerian’s otherwise assured fate will be annulled, thus, compelling him to submit to the fate awaiting him within the walls of the library.”

It was at that moment that I couldn’t help but to let out a long drawn out sigh.

As I couldn’t help but to feel compelled to put my foot down, right here, right now.

“No.” I stopped the owl right there, halting it before it could get another word out.

“I beg your pardon, Cadet Emma Booker?”

Living in the present with three centuries separating me from the echoes of extrasolar corpo culture didn’t mean humanity would just up and forget that dark chapter. If anything, education was the key to preventing the mistakes of that past from being repeated. Which was why despite centuries separating the current generation from that of the last extrasolar war, the issues pertinent in that era remained as ingrained in public awareness as the day they were when the war began.

“I said, no. I’ve had it up to here-” I held my hand up to my neck. “-with these magical contracts and their invasive methods of enforcement. I would be no different to Mal’tory and his ilk if I were to just let you install even more viruses into his brain for the purposes of this agreement.”


I Dare Korval

It's going to be interesting to see what Emma proposes instead. Hopefully some more lore/data dump to the Library on how the legal process works in EarthRealm would give it a new perspective. Of course, the Library would probably need to open up several new sections just on EarthRealm legalese, laws, and maybe all the law and detective books and shows in order to understand how and why our law system is the way it is and how we go about assertaining the truth when all the evidence is not always available.


I am surprised that Emma hasn't counter offered in this chapter. Basically moving past "The Blue Lizard must die if you fail" to some sort of "The Blue Lizard" must do/serve XYZ/more tangible punishment. But also the note that Emma's success or failure is not 100% dependant on him being killed as Literary punishment. The idea that as he came forward and testified willingly as a coerced member of their conspiracy. Should it be proven true in SOME capacity. He be given more of a "Ward of the Library " status. Something new. Something in line with the TA of the nexus/school. But a Literally equivalent. To serve his term as an empowered member of the library. Rather than a coerced/forced permanent member of the library. That he be honed by the school, as property of the library, until his time is served, at which time he re enters his family unit. Making a willing and empowered Ally as can and is encouraged to grow is more (seems more) beneficial than another living slave/debtor or dead spirit guarding the library.