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Here it is! It's finally done! The cover art for Wearing Power Armor to a Magic School (Art Credit to re11arts once again)! It's been many months in the making, but it's finally here! Right on time for the one year anniversary! :D

I can't believe we're here. One year ago today, I posted the first chapter of Wearing Power Armor to a Magic School. From there, things steadily continued, and well... now we're here! From that point on, it's not an exaggeration to say that things have fundamentally changed in my life. I've always had a passion for writing, starting first with one shots and short stories then eventually long form stories. But never could I ever have imagined that things would lead to where they are now.

Wearing Power Armor to a Magic School was always a story I've wanted to tell. It's been something that's been burning at the back of my mind for years, but only last year did I take the time to properly manifest it. For years I've been obsessed with reading stories with the theme of 'magic meets technology', and for years I've always found myself coming back to the niche genre. I've always been the type to scour the internet for original stories and fanfictions that tackle that theme, and I've always wanted to do my own spin on it. Wearing Power Armor to a Magic School is exactly that. My own take, my own spin, imbued with literally everything I would want to see in a magic meets technology story. However, because it's a story tailored to meet my own tastes in what I personally want from a magic meets tech story, I always thought it wouldn't really amount to much.

This was because I assumed that what I wanted to include would be so weirdly specific and niche (e.g. A sci fi civilization instead of modern civilization, plots revolving around political intrigue, drama, and mystery instead of primarily action, and starting off with a magic school setting instead of going immediately into traditional adventuring, etc.) that it would've been way too weird for people to pick up.

More than that however, was the fact that prior to Wearing Power Armor to a Magic School, I never really wrote fantasy before. WPA was truly my first real serious journey into the realm (haha, realm XD) of fantasy. As a result, I was worried whether the magic-side of my worldbuilding would actually work, let alone be engaging or at all interesting, or have the depth I wanted it to have. 

But somehow, through some way, you guys seemed to think it was at least alright. :)

You guys proved me wrong, and I can't begin to describe how utterly happy I am to be able to share something with people who share similar interests!

I... honestly never thought my writing would be engaging enough to hold the interest of people, let alone allowing me to do something that I love in a way that I'm doing right now.

But you guys have made that possible. So thank you. Thank you for being a part of this adventure, and thank you for being here with me for this wild ride... I can't believe it's already been a year! And trust me, the ride has only just begun! :D

There's much more ahead in the future. There's so much I already have planned out! As we continue our adventures with Emma, Thacea, Thalmin, Ilunor and the rest of the cast and crew of Wearing Power Armor to a Magic School! :D

I just can't get enough of these silly beans and the world they call their home! :D

May the stars see your journey safe,





Huh. I always had this vibe that the armor was operated as much as it was worn, so I'd been imagining something closer to Fallout 4's T60 crossed with a NASA EVA suit. Something that would probably leave Nexians rather surprised at her actual size beneath the armor.

BigBro Bluesman

I alwayed imagined her armor to be..sharper? Like this reminds me of a stormtrooper or iron man's armor I guess but I was thinking more 40k Krieg Guardsman or something like that..idk my be me.

Dylan m

same something between t60 and a 40k suit in size and looks, with a hint of eva suit. something more bulk, built and large. also while the straps and tube look cool, they don't fit the image i had in mind at all... was defiantly imaging a walking tank, not a near form fitting suit that looks kinda crush-able.

Dylan m

in my head ive been imaging something like a fallout t60 40k space marine hybrid with a touch of eva space suit. something built like a human tank.


Always did expect more Fallout power armor than Wh40k Kasrkin. Just feels less like power armor and more like enhanced exoskeleton, like the TALOS suit of today.


damn, this is some awesome art! I am glad that it exists because I must admit, I always had problems in regards to space/where what is owing to my poor memory and orientation, as well as that some details might easily be missed if you do not focus on one line (hard to do when you read the entire night). thank you for everything!