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Hey everyone! Here is the Work in Progress for Chapter 49 I hope you guys enjoy! :D 

There I was. Finding myself face to face with a furball clad in armor, shaking so hard that its platemail generated this constant clattering drone that reminded me of a malfunctioning ultrasonic dishwasher loaded up with nothing but metal silverware.

The armor-clad fox began splaying out its front paws, rearing up its hindpaws, and arching its back and torso.

What happened next was an inevitability most pet owners could relate to on an instinctive level.

What happened next… was a release of pure gremlin energy.


I watched on, unable to move, frozen not out of panic but out of an overwhelming sense of warmth and giddiness as I saw that streak of shiny silver making a mad-dash straight towards me; patches of red fur occasionally peaking through the crevices that formed in between each successive gallop.


I could’ve reacted in time.

But it wasn’t like I needed, nor wanted to.


I’d already accepted my fate.


I felt the full force of 40 pounds of fox and platemail slamming right into my chestplate, followed up almost just as quickly by the always welcome feeling of four paw pads trying to gain purchase on my shoulders; haptic feedback doing a good job of relaying that sensation. It was around this time that I instinctively reacted by bringing both of my arms up right in front of my chestplate in a sort of a ‘cradling’ maneuver, prompting the now-cackling fox to simply plompf himself down from my shoulders and into my waiting arms. There, he began inexplicably squirming, the platemail armor he wore continuing to generate that rattly, clinking noise that was the bane of any spacer apartment.

“YOU’RE BACK!” Buddy proclaimed, all the while unabashedly cackling and chuckling in absolute glee. “BACK SO SOON!”

The next half minute was dominated by a constant and unrelenting assault of lungfulls of intense laughter only a fox could manage. Yet as endless as that boundless excitement seemed to be, it eventually came to a stop with a resounding clatter of platemail, as Buddy jumped from my arms and straight onto the drab and dreary floors of gray cobblestone.

“How may I be of assistance for this visit, Cadet Emma Booker?” The fox practically beamed at me, his forepaw making a point to lift up his slitted visor, revealing an excitable little face that managed to exude that on-brand look of polite eagerness that marked his entry back into ‘work mode’.

“Well, first of all…” I began, before lowering myself down to a single knee for one, very specific reason.

To ruffle the red thing’s head through the small gap in his helmet. “... it’s good to see you again, Buddy.” I spoke warmly, causing the library assistant’s hindlegs to wobble in place, before finally giving way as he melted into what I could only describe as a happy puddle of fox. I didn’t intend on overstaying that warm greeting though, as I eventually pulled back my hand, causing the fox to almost immediately return to that polite customer service stance; awaiting my answer.

“Well, before we get straight to business, there’s something I need to ask.” I continued, making vague sweeping hand gestures around me at the space that now resembled less of a library and more of an endless labyrinth, or a dungeon. “Now correct me if I’m wrong, but last I visited, this place didn’t look like it was in desperate need of some interior redecorating.” I paused, before making a point to pat the little armored fox right on the flat of his helmet. “And I’m certain the last time I saw you, you weren’t geared up for battle either.”

The fox nodded affirmatively at both observations. “Your memories serve you right, Emma!” Buddy yapped out excitedly. Yet that excitement wasn’t destined to last, as his face seemed to darken the moment he started addressing the elephant in the room. “What you see before you is the library’s response to a grave misdeed. A misdeed that has left it scarred, for the first time in many, many years. I am sorry you had to see this, Emma. Especially with it being so soon since your last visit.” The fox apologized, which I responded to with a slow round of reassuring pats.

“Were you hurt?”

The question, whilst simple, seemed to take Buddy by surprise. His eyes grew wide in a genuine look of confusion.


“Were you caught up in whatever happened to the library? Were you hurt as a result?”

A small pause punctuated the interaction, as Buddy looked at me, increasingly confused. “Are you inquiring about my physical well being, Cadet Emma Booker?”

I nodded affirmatively.

“I…” The fox tilted his head. “...was unharmed during those transgressions. Though it confuses me why you would wish to inquire about such a thing. I am simply your humble library assistant, one amongst an unfathomable number of others.”

It was my turn to be taken aback by surprise, but whilst Buddy was so quick to disparage himself, I was just as quick in correcting his course.

“You may be right in saying that there are many more like you. But I know for a fact that not a single one of them can replace you, Buddy. You're unique and one of a kind.” I immediately corrected the fox. “You’re my one and only buddy here.” I booped his snoot for good measure, before returning to standing height. “And just for the record, you’re more than just a library assistant to me. You’re my buddy, Buddy.” I spoke with a smile behind the helmet.

Buddy didn’t respond for a few more seconds, his mouth now hanging agape, and his whole form unflinching. It was as if someone had decided to divide by zero deep within the poor thing’s head. Whatever the case was, he eventually recovered from it seamlessly, as he took a few tentative steps closer towards my legs, and began nudging it affectionately and wordlessly.

I simply let this exchange happen, not wanting to interfere, as Buddy did eventually pull back on his own volition.

“You grace me with the respect of a peerage I truly do not deserve.” Buddy responded with a genuine look of not just excitement or giddiness, but contentment. “Thank you.”

A few eyes poked from the eerie darkness that surrounded the room like a hazy fog, similar to my first encounter with Buddy a few days ago. It was around the same time I noticed them, that Buddy shifted course back to the business at hand. “So! How may I be of assistance, Emma?”

The whole exchange was over before I could even process what had happened. But whilst it left me with a lot of questions about Buddy himself, I just felt like it wasn’t the right time to press the topic. He seemed comfortable enough to move on, and I respected that.

“I’m here for a very specific purpose actually.”

No sooner did I announce my intentions, did Buddy’s eyes dart towards Thacea.

“Well, when I meant I, I sort of meant we.” I gestured to the both of us. “We’re sort of a package deal.” I could feel Thacea’s eyes landing on me as quickly as I said that, which prompted me to crane my head towards her sheepishly, before quickly turning back to Buddy in order to quickly elaborate on that statement. “At least when it comes to these library visits, I mean.” I spoke with a nervous chuckle.



I wonder if Emma is going to scan the remnants of the burnt library and realise it's napalm. That way she can exchange that info with the library.


I was originally thinking Alcohol or some other accelerant. But Napalm would be interesting. Actually ha, giving the library a bunch of information regarding fire for a “tab” of sorts so it can protect itself a little better would be interesting.