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Hello Commissioned Pioneers!

I hope all of you are doing well! It's time again for another talk! Another month has arrived, and I wanted to take the time to just chat with you guys. Last month was quite interesting, as we started to move from the prior arc involving the crate to this new arc involving many more storylines that are starting to diverge and converge at the same time! We have a new race to rebuild the ECS, we have some new drama involving the library, as well as more mysteries to be revealed with Ilunor and a reshuffling of school schedules! There's a lot going on, and I really hope I've been able to effectively transition from one arc to another here, because that's what I've been rather worried about. But anyways, aside from that, this month started out with me being relatively sick. I'm still not feeling too well at the time of writing, but I'm trying my best to keep it together to maintain the schedule I set forth for all of you! The last thing I want to do is to let you guys down, because you guys have always been there with me from the very start. So I'm trying my best to push through, to maintain my schedule, as evidenced by the bonus story having just been released! :D

I'm serious about this though, I can't express how much I'm thankful for you guys sticking around with me and my silly little stories. I know I say this each month but I really do mean it when I say that your support has honestly made such a huge impact on my life that it's not been the same. You guys mean the world to me, and I just want to take the time again to say thank you, to each and every one of you. You guys have made this silly little writer's days so much more brighter.

As always though, the new month calls for another round of votes!

So let's get right into the task at hand!

You guys should already see the Monthly Short Story for August already up and live! Last month you guys voted for Wearing Power Armor to a Magic School's eighth side story! This time we head back to Aetheronrealm, and as I mentioned in the blurb above the story, this story takes place a bit before the first two stories set in Aetheronrealm, which I recommend you read beforehand! :D There's a lot revealed in this story involving the history of the Avinor people, or should I say, the Avilan people! :D What's more, there's a lot of lore here that addresses a lot of what I've hinted in the previous two bonus stories too, most notably regarding the Arcanists and the Empiricalists! All of this information may come in useful for Emma down the line as she learns more about the world, and Thacea's world too! The main story will eventually lead Emma down the path where she will eventually uncover the information we learn today, and some of it will be incredibly useful for her road towards uncovering the Nexus' hidden truths, and some of it will be more practical as she relays this information to Earth! :D I can't reveal more because of spoilers, but what I can say is that there's a lot more to be revealed that'll redefine a lot of stuff over on Earth's side of things! :D

Now, onto this month's poll for September's Short Story!

For those of you who are new Commissioned Pioneers, here's a little description of just how the polls work:

Every new month, each person in the Commissioned Pioneer tier gets 1 vote for one of the four story concepts listed in the poll. The poll will be posted sometime during the first week of every new month. Voting will last until the last day of that month and the story itself will be released sometime during the first week of the next month!

This is so that everyone has ample time to vote across the entirety of the month, and so that I have time to write up the story for the new month!

And of course, as most of you guys are here for Wearing Power Armor to a Magic School, as well as Humans Don't Hibernate, this month's poll will again include an option for additional side story opportunities for these two universes! :D



Pity vote for HDH.