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Hello Commissioned Pioneers!

I hope everyone's doing well! Another month has arrived, and once again I wanted to take some time to sit down to talk to you guys. As I'm writing this it's nearly 5 in the morning haha so this might be a bit brief! The previous month was a lot of fun in terms of writing, and whilst a lot of stuff happened irl, as well as on reddit with the formatting issues and other API shenanigans, we managed to pull through it! I just also wanted to say that having you guys here has helped me in so many ways that I can't even begin to thank you guys. I seriously can't put into words how much I appreciate you guys being here for my these silly stories I keep on writing. You guys really mean a lot to me, and I just wanted to say thank you to all of you.

From the bottom of my heart, thank you guys, for staying for the journey and the adventure.

You've made this silly little writer's days so much more brighter.

As always though, the new month calls for another round of votes!

So let's get right into the task at hand!

You guys should already see the Monthly Short Story for May already up and live! Last month you guys voted for Wearing Power Armor to a Magic School's sixth side story! This time, we're moving away from the Aetheronrealm two-parter, and back to Earth! It's been three bonus stories since we've seen anything on Earth, and this time I've decided to dig even deeper into the lore I've established from the Interview With An Author bonus story! 

This particular story takes a bit of a different tone, as well as a bit of a different format, so I really hope you guys enjoy it as it was challenging but fun to write! :D 

Now, onto this month's poll for June's Short Story!

For those of you who are new Commissioned Pioneers, here's a little description of just how the polls work:

Every new month, each person in the Commissioned Pioneer tier gets 1 vote for one of the four story concepts listed in the poll. The poll will be posted sometime during the first week of every new month. Voting will last until the last day of that month and the story itself will be released sometime during the first week of the next month!

This is so that everyone has ample time to vote across the entirety of the month, and so that I have time to write up the story for the new month!

And of course, as most of you guys are here for Wearing Power Armor to a Magic School, as well as Humans Don't Hibernate, this month's poll will again include an option for additional side story opportunities for these two universes! :D


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