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Hey everyone! Here's the Work in Progress for Chapter 31 I hope you guys enjoy! :D

We both spent the next few seconds staring intently at the only victim of collateral damage from that very brief, and very one-sided exchange.

An exchange which involved 25 very fast bois, and one very well-protected, hand-crafted suit of enchanted armor.

A suit of armor who was an innocent victim in all of this, whose only offense was simply being in the wrong place, at the wrong time. It was an offense that had led to a hailstorm of bullets creating an unsightly hole where a beefy neck-guard had once been.

This surprising turn of events had resulted in a very perplexed Sorecar, who seemed to be unable to make heads or tails of all of this.

The man’s gaze remained completely transfixed on what could only be described as a clean, textbook-example of a shot-grouping made possible by a tried and proven weapon with centuries of refinement under its belt. The thumb-sized hole that had manifested on a particularly heavily-reinforced part of the armor looked almost surreal given the otherwise immaculate state of the suit. It looked almost intentional, almost mockingly so, and would’ve more than likely been immediately attributed to a great many form of mana-fueled shenanigans, rather than the unassuming mana-less brick that was my pistol.

After a few more moments of silence, punctuated only by an awkward shuffle as the man knelt down to get a closer look at the damage, he eventually turned to face me again with a clenched fist and a single thumb pointed back towards the hole in question. “So… mana-less?” He asked with a genuine display of disbelief, as if needing to hear me say it one last time to douse what few embers remained of his lingering skepticism.

A skepticism which I only had one response for: that being a confident nod and a sheepish smile. “Yup, mana-less!”

A sharp ‘sigh’ soon followed, as the man wiggled his hands in place for a few seconds, causing two back-to-back upticks in mana-radiation.


The lights in the room suddenly dimmed.


And an object suddenly appeared in the armorer’s formerly empty hands. An object which bore a remarkable similarity to a flashlight, if you were to replace the butt of it with a dull pulsating orb of light encased in a spinning disc of crystals.

It looked like something you’d find in an end-game dungeon, despite its sole purpose being identical to that of your common requisitions-office-grade flashlight.

The purpose of this device, and the sudden dimming of the workshop’s lights was soon made clear to me as he pointed the light through the hole in the armor… only for it to emerge on the other side seamlessly.

“Because you’ve left me with not just one hole to worry about, but two. And as a result, left me with double the questions, double the perplexity, and double the mystery. As to how a mana-less projectile was able to make it through enchanted armor, not just once, but twice.” The man reinforced his sheer and utter disbelief by rapidly flicking the bottom of the magical flashlight with his fingers, causing the light to turn on and off in rapid succession. A very apt metaphor for how the man was currently feeling at this point.

“The armor, despite being enchanted, is still just steel, correct?” I responded with a straightforward question.

Mana-steel, yes, but your point still stands I’m assuming?” The armorer responded curtly.

“And I’m assuming there’s no funny business involved? No enchantments that can repel projectiles, no shields that slows down anything coming towards it, or anything of the sort?” I continued further.

“Not this particular piece, no. It’s a commission from the same person who commissioned the polearm. All he wanted, and all he was allowed, was a series of complex enchants designed to strengthen the mana-steel. Resilience, durability, and other such assorted enchantments.” The armorer listed off in rapid succession.

“Well, theoretically speaking then, even with enchantments, anything with enough mass, traveling with enough speed, could pierce an object, correct?”

The armorer made a point to cock his head to the other side, and if he still had eyes, I bet they’d be staring at me with all sorts of emotions right about now. “The speeds an object would need to achieve to pierce a piece of enchanted armor, not once, but twice, would be impossible to accomplish without the aid of the direct manipulation of mana, or the construction of an artifice using mana.” The armorer stated plainly, with a hint of disbelief coloring his voice. “No known mana-less mechanism would be able to accomplish a similar end. This is not to mention that the object in question would have to be shaped with the explicit purpose to pierce mana-steel, and would have to be forged out of a material with properties comparable to mana-steel, if not exceeding it.”

The man paused after that spiel for a few seconds, his whole body going completely still as he began mumbling to himself. “A smart smith would have to weigh the cost and benefit of the velocity versus the weight of the projectile, and the energy capable of being transferred at the point of impact, moreover, different shapes designed to pierce certain armors, and the properties of the metals involved would also come into play. Which, given the back and forth nature of arms and defense, all of this would imply-” His mumbles stopped as he rapidly cocked his head towards the hole yet again, then towards me.

“Just how far has your realm come, where your people have found it necessary to develop projectiles capable of piercing materials comparable to enchanted mana-steel, Emma Booker?” The armorer spoke with nothing but shock and disbelief in his voice.

“Far enough.” I spoke vaguely, my hands trembling as I knew I had to tread the line between discretion and answers like a thread through a needle.

“Though, I should’ve expected as much, given how that small weapon of yours was capable of containing a chain of consecutive explosions.” The armorer spoke in no uncertain terms, as I felt my heart practically skipping a beat. “That’s what it was, wasn’t it? That dreadful sound? I’ve dabbled in my fair share of explosive weaponry, I know the sound of a contained explosion when I hear one.”

I paused, trying to wrap my head around an acceptable answer as I landed on a plausible, middling response. “I’m-”

Only to be cut off by the armorer before I could go anywhere with that. “Actually, don’t answer that question.” He urged sharply, as he craned his head towards several aspects of the room, before landing on the entryway to the workshop.

It was the same tone he’d used when he’d hurriedly approved my weapon and prematurely ended the weapons inspection right before Ilunor’s prank. It was that same, almost hushed sort of self-conscious intonation that felt just a bit off from the endlessly-curious tone he usually spoke in.

“It would be rude of me to intrude and to blindly ask for something that might well be a trade-secret of another smithy or armory after all.” He quickly added, clearly attempting to justify that abrupt halt in his curious train of thought by giving me an answer that was just convincing enough.



Alright you got me on the floor with “An exchange which involved 25 very fast bois”


LOVE that he's starting to understand. Can't wait for when he realizes this is just a simple side arm, likely at the bottom of humanity's power tree

BigBro Bluesman

This is supposed to be an advanced firearm compared to ours right now correct? God now I just eant to know the stats on that thing..


Sorecar really be like, “I don’t know and I don’t want to know, because if I did know then I’d have to do something about it.”

I Dare Korval

Sounding good so far! 1) Sorecar is starting to get an idea of what Earthrealm's level of understanding is, and is capable of, and realizing just how dangerous we can be (aka a creditable threat to the Nexus). "Welcome to a 'taste' of EarthRealm" Sorecar. 2) Obviously, whoever ordered Iluminor to pull that prank has shown up to see the results. Keep up the good work!


That line came to me as if Emma herself had taken the wheel when I was writing the intro XD I was debating whether or not to keep it in but I've decided that yes, I should just keep it since it sounds VERY Emma! :D


Great chapter but I'm left wondering a few things after sorecar's reaction to manaless weapons. He would be the best guess to figure them out and curious enough to seek answers from what I've gathered, but what I'm just curious about right now... If the faculty (some of more than likely) are aware that Emma comes from a manaless realm then how have they not questioned, or more obviously spied on her? I mean the way she arrived at the nexus is more than enough reason? If everyone thinks these things can't be done without mana then the fact a completely manaless people ripped open a portal to the nexus, crafted a suit of armor that repels magic, and in sorecar's case has the technology to not only make a compact intricate range weapon but one that can go clean through a decently enchanted suit or armor. I have a feeling that the nexus (or more aptly the more intelligent higher ups) would be fearful of humanity for just getting to the nexus without mana. And I feel the human that came before Emma (what's left of them) might be being used for research into how to deal with humanity..


You raise some very good points! I think that it's important to note that the faculty as it were, isn't as cohesive or as monolithic as they try to pose themselves to be! There's a lot of disagreements as to how best to approach or how best to even appropriately deal with certain situations, however at this point we've only seen little hints and bits and pieces of this, most notably with Emma's little spying mission of the faculty with her little spy drone! Thus, it's unclear as of yet what direction they're taking, as we're currently seeing the ramifications of what they've decided amongst themselves so far! Sorecar's reactions however so far are a result of him acting as his own actor, but with the awareness that he's still effectively part of the greater establishment both by tenure but also by magic, and as a result of that he wants to take things slowly, but why he's doing that is something that will be touched on as the plot progresses! :D There's another important point to be raised here with regards to how they view Emma and her people. There's a certain cognitive dissonance going on with how each of them see Emma, and moreover, a certain disconnect with how they're approaching dealing with her existence and the implications it has. Things are currently brewing within the faculty, however, it will hopefully become clearer as we start to see more discussions between Emma and that of Vanavan and Mal'tory! :D


noooo i'm late Oh Sorecar, you have no idea how far earth realm has come~ I really wanna see his reaction to all the other weapons we have made throughout history but lets not leak any intel just yet.. :3

The Walrus Transcendent

You just need to tell him that ♪The missile knows where it at all times; It knows this because it knows where it isn't.♫

The Walrus Transcendent

Also, tiny, nigh-insignificant detail. For competition shooting, you want tight, basically overlapping hits. For combat, you often want a more scattered pattern, to both facilitate accuracy by volume of fire and to create multiple wound channels in a target. Admittedly, magdumping the power armor equivalent of a sub-caliber weapon, all on the same point, would aid in degrading armor protection at the point of impact.


Yup! In this case Emma just wanted to magdump because she assumed that since 3 shots weren't enough to take the core down the first time, perhaps a full mag would do it this time around! :D You know what they say, if first you don't succeed, try again... with more bullets! ;D


Oh, how I wish Emma would just divulge every little thing she knows about her realms capabilities (especially in the weapons department) but no, she has to be tight lipped so the Nexus doesn’t discover earth realms true power as a mana-less world. Damn, the big reveal of earth realms abilities to the Nexus is gonna be so awesome- I know it. Can’t wait for this chapter to be fully fleshed out! Edit: Repetition galore


Sorecar be getting wonder eyes at earthrealm technology and god damn it a second cliffhanger there really ought to be handrails on here (jkjk ty for the chapter!)

Allen Mainville

Show him an artillery piece and he’d be besides himself. Who needs magic to make an explosion a mile away when you can just use human ingenuity and explosives?


Technically something like a pistol that fires multiple rounds like this. It was a similar design to the G11 (an electronically-fired weapon with a firing-barrel-magazine, and shot in 3 round bursts in such a close succession that recoil didn't affect the other 2 shots until after all 3 left the barrel). The pistol version of this is a 3-barrel design, which makes reloading finicky, but has 18 rounds total, and the kickback isn't felt until the burst is complete. Can you imagine if they combined a design like the Vector's recoil-dampening and the G11's rapid fire?

BigBro Bluesman

HA! ok o i was expecting something like this i mean these people arent stupid or even ignorant just..stuck in there ways, but it seems like someone important in the faculty has noticed and i wonder what this means.