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Hello Commissioned Pioneers!

I hope you’re all doing well! First of all, I’d like to wish every one of you a Happy New Years! :D I hope you guys have an awesome year, with successes and happiness for you and your loved ones! Rest assured I’ll do my very best to provide you with the best of stories and experiences across the entirety of this New Year as well!

Now, onto business!

You guys should see the Monthly Short Story for December already up and live! Last month you guys voted for Wearing Power Armor to a Magic School’s side story, and I had a blast writing up this little bonus story for you guys! It takes place in the same universe of course, just a few decades prior to Emma’s trip to the Nexus! It’s a new perspective in the Power Armor universe and I really hope you guys like it!

Now, onto this month's poll for January’s Short Story!

For those of you who are new Commissioned Pioneers, here’s a little description of just how the polls work:

Every new month, each person in the Commissioned Pioneer tier gets 1 vote for one of the four story concepts listed in the poll. The poll will be posted sometime during the first week of every new month. Voting will last until the last day of that month and the he story itself will be released sometime during the first week of the next month! 

This is so that everyone has ample time to vote across the entirety of the month, and so that I have time to write up the story for the new month! 

And of course seeing as most of you are here for Wearing Power Armor to a Magic School, as well as Humans Don't Hibernate, this month's poll will include an option for additional side story opportunities for these two universes! :D 


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