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Hello Commissioned Pioneers!

I must apologize for the delay in the release of this first tier exclusive story, I’ve been getting used to not just Patreon, but updating stories on the regular and balancing that with my work and academic life irl! It’s a learning process for me, but I intend on seeing it through like everything else I do!

The story is up now, so please feel free to check it out!

I’d also like to clarify just how the monthly voting process works since I just want to make sure we’re all on the same page! :D

Each month, each person in the Commissioned Pioneer tier will get 1 vote for one of four story concepts. These story concepts will be posted around the first week of every month, and the story itself will be released around the first week of the next month.

So for example this month’s poll opens on the 2nd of December, the polls will close at the end of the month in this case the 31st of December, and the story will be written and then posted sometime in the first week of next month of January!

The reason behind this system is so that ample time is allowed for everyone to vote as some people may have seen the poll near the middle of the month or the tail-end of the month for instance! I want everyone to have a whole month’s worth of time to be able to vote, to make it fair! Also, since I’ll be starting at the end of the month, I’ll need about a week to get the story done so that’s why I expect monthly stories to be out near the middle or tail end of the first week of the next month!

I’ve also decided on mixing in story prompts for my two main series in the polls as well, for side stories that expand more of the universe of both Wearing Power Armor to a Magic School and Humans Don’t Hibernate. This way, we get a healthy balance of 2 original short story ideas, and 2 story ideas for my two main series to vote on! I know some of you follow me exclusively for these series so I want there to be a chance for more stories for you guys to experience within the universe in the form of these short stories! These short stories will be exclusive to Patreon for a period of 1 month before I release them to Reddit.

Again I hope this clarifies things and I hope all of this is acceptable to you guys! If you guys have any thoughts, comments, or suggestions, please do let me know and we can discuss things! As I always say, I want to be as open and transparent as possible and I want to foster a community of openness and transparency when it comes to these sorts of things! :D

You guys might also notice that the October Poll story is now up and may be wondering where the November Poll Story is. I’m always fully transparent with you guys on everything, so I freely admit that I kinda missed the mark with the November story. November was a crazy month for me irl as I had to juggle a lot of academic and work issues. In addition, this was the first month where I prioritized getting a consistent schedule together for my two main series, making sure to post consistently every week. In the midst of all of this the November poll slipped my mind, and for that I have to say I’m really sorry guys. However I want to treat that whole thing like a big learning experience. Consistent chapter updates and posting was something I needed to learn and get used to, and I want to treat it all like a big learning experience! This is why I’m making this post, to make sure we’re all on the same page now with how things are moving forward and to update you guys on how things have been going!

This whole thing is still super new to me, and I’m learning as I go, and I really do appreciate you guys being chill with me throughout all of this! I won’t let you guys down and I’ll make sure to live up to your expectations! :D

And finally, I have to honestly and sincerely thank everyone for your support. I know I always say this but I think it warrants saying again, and honestly I’ll say this every opportunity I get: you guys really are beyond incredible. I’ve always just dreamed and fantasized of just one person being genuinely interested in my work, and you guys have just helped me to realize that dream in more ways than I could’ve ever imagined. Thank you!

May the stars see your journey safe,




In polls like this i always want the all of the above option :D. I know it isn't possible with the constraints, though it would be nice.


I definitely understand the appeal of that option haha! However yeah, under the current system, it's a single vote for a single story per month! I thank you for being cool and understanding about it though and thank you for participating in this month's voting process as well! :D I'm excited to see which story gets picked this month! :D