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I genuinely expected someone to have stepped up to the challenge almost immediately. Especially when considering what I could only assume was a generous compensation just for volunteering to be the first in line. So upon seeing absolutely no one stepping to the plate, or even looking as if they were considering the offer, I knew then and there that something had definitely gone wrong.

There were two distinct groups of students now from what I could tell, those that seemed to be fiddling, palming, or grasping at whatever lay hidden underneath their cloaks, and those that sat with a genuine look of defeat in their eyes.

Ilunor wasn’t any of these however as the diminutive lizard seemed to have gone into a minor frenzy upon emptying the contents of his pockets onto the table. From a pocket watch to cufflinks, and an assortment of other jewels and gems that looked as if he’d recently robbed a jewelry store, it was clear he was looking for something, something that I assumed both Thacea and Thalmin both already possessed, given how they both were likewise placing their hands nervously on what seemed to be a necklace for the former, and a sheathed dagger for the latter.

It was clear that Ilunor wanted to broach a question to either Thacea or Thalmin, but clearly couldn't, given how no one in the room seemed to raise their voices, not even to whisper amongst themselves. I could see what little complexion he had on his scaled cheeks drain to a ghostly pale green. I could also see that he didn’t seem to give in just yet, as he continued fumbling with pocket after pocket, all in an attempt to find whatever it was he was looking for…

The situation was beyond tense, so tense in fact that my hand had drifted purposefully towards my holstered sidearm, and my HUD was just about ready to enter tactical mode as the threat assessment training kicked in hard.

Mal’tory’s eyes throughout all of this remained steely and cold, shifting only after a good few minutes to the Dean as they exchanged a knowing glance. One that the blue robed Vanavan seemed to scowl at intently.

“Very well. I shall rescind the offer and begin calling out names in alphabetical-”

“Professor!” A voice emerged from one of the tables near the very front of the stage. A figure, draconic in appearance, somewhat resembling what I’d seen in artistic renditions of reptilian humanoid aliens from way back in the late 21st century. What many at the time ridiculed as being too ‘Gorn-like’, a dismissive slight that referenced the great works of old science fiction, Star Trek in this case. Regardless, this wasn’t the latex-masked or poorly rendered 3D models of some imaginary lizard… but the real deal. As a result, I could actually tell that his face exuded confidence. A cautionary confidence, but confidence all the same. Which was more than I could say for the rest of the students in the room.

“Lord Qiv of Baralon-realm. You may speak.” Mal’tory’s attentions were now squarely focused on this lone student, which seemed to give the rest of the room some breathing room.

“If I may be allowed to be so brazen, I wish to accept the offer. I will be the first of my year-group to partake in the scholarly rites.” Qiv bowed immediately after giving his little speech, dipping his head low.

A small smile crept across Mal’tory’s face. Not a jovial or gleeful one, but a satisfied one. A smile you’d have at the start of a particularly satisfying performance review, a professional smile devoid of any personal or emotional investment.

“Very well Lord Qiv, please step forward.” Mal’tory responded as the reptilian moved forwards towards the stage. His cape swishing to his right, revealing the rich tunic and robes he had underneath.

The entire room looked on in utter dread as Mal’tory placed the leather-bound case upon the floor of the stage, unbinding it with just his piercing gaze alone, opening up to reveal an old, hardcover book, a quill, and a small bottle of ink that glowed black.

I tried adjusting my visual sensors, zooming closer into that vial of liquid that seemed to defy everything I understood about light. However as my eyes tried to fixate on the bottle of ink, the effect still remained the same. It was black, dark, yet it glowed and emanated light far brighter than any candle or glowing crystal in this room.

“The Transgracian Academy for the Magical Arts acknowledges your presence, Lord Qiv Ratom of the Baralon-realm. What say you?”

“I, Lord Qiv Ratom of the Baralon-realm, recognize the enlightened and benevolent charity of the Transgracian Academy for allowing me and my line, tutelage and education within these hallowed halls.”

“The Nexus and his Holy Majesty the King to which the Gods have bestowed the authority of sovereignty, compels me as his divine agent, to grant you the rites to scholarship, under the ties that bind. Do you consent, Lord Qiv Ratom?”

“I do.”

It was at this point that Mal’tory knelt down to open the leatherbound book. As he did, I saw an impossible number of pages, far greater than what should’ve been possible in that relatively small space, flip through one another, melding together like a noclip error from a videogame. It took a good few minutes of silent page flipping, with hundreds upon hundreds of pages flipped per second, until finally, it landed upon a new, completely empty page. Still miraculously in the middle of the book.

Mal’tory stood back up, gesturing for the reptilian to kneel, which he did so without question.

“Pick up the quill, and sign your name, Lord Qiv Ratom. Afterwhich, the rites to scholarship shall be yours, and the ties that bind shall be whole.”

Despite the confidence of the reptilian his hand clearly shook as he grabbed that pen from its case. It looked as if it was heavier than it was supposed to be too, as he used both hands to carefully guide it into the ink, electrifying the air, and covering his body in an ominous dark glow similar to that of the ink itself.

Just as quickly as the signature was forged, so too did I get hit with a wave of radiation.


This time however it didn’t dissipate. In fact, the radiation levels rose higher and higher still. 

(Hello everyone! This is the first work in progress of Chapter 5! I hope you guys enjoy! :D) 


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