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Hello! Hi! I just wanted to give everyone a bright and warm hello and welcome to my Patreon! Be careful of the scaffolding and loose rafters, I’m still a relatively new, but very active operation! :D

First of all I just wanted to say something to all of you, something that I’ve been struggling to find the right words for, because this entire situation still feels incredibly surreal to me. I’ve been writing stories for an incredibly long time now, the audience for which has always been limited to my immediate circle of friends and those I could convince to lend a few minutes for the sake of skimming or a brief read-through. Never once had I imagined anything I’d written would be read by more than a handful of people. Never once would I have even considered the possibility of people going through the effort to support me and my work the way all of you reading this are doing right now. I know it’s incredibly sappy to say, but I say this with all of my heart: Thank You. Thank you for going through with supporting this one, small, aspiring writer on the internet. Thank you for pushing me closer and closer towards my dreams, and thank you for all of your kindness and generosity. This journey is one that I’m honored to take alongside you guys and I’ll try my absolute best to fulfill my responsibilities to maintain as consistent of an upload schedule as possible for all of you. I’ll strive to provide you with content that I can be proud of posting, and stories that I’m proud to have you guys reading.

With that being said, let’s get to business!

The matter of posting, scheduling, and what to expect.

My primary focus will be on the following three series for the foreseeable future:

1. Humans Don’t Hibernate

2. Wearing Power Armor to a Magic School

3. The Human Trapped in my Head

I will try my best to make sure these stories are updated weekly. As it stands, for every chapter that’s released on Reddit, expect an early chapter to be released on Patreon either on the same day or the next day or so depending on how things are faring with my irl situation on that given day.

My other existing series will still be updated, but again, my primary focus will be squarely placed on the above series mentioned. If you guys have any questions about this please feel free to message me! :D 

In addition to this, most people might have found me through my one-off, or 2, 3, or 4-parter series. Existing 3 parters are currently being completed and will be uploaded as they’re completed, but will be available on Patreon first, or in the form of WiPs.

New one-offs and short series’ will likewise be available on Patreon first in the form of Patreon-Exclusive stories. However, expect them to become public on Reddit within a week of uploading to Patreon.

As always, I will strive for the very best in order to deliver stories that I can be proud of showing all of you.

And once again, thank you, to each and every one of you reading this. Let’s start this journey together, shall we? :D


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